Chapter Three

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He didn't get much sleep the previous night, the reasons were obvious for that. He sighed as he held up the dress, Milly standing behind him together with Nina to help him put it on. Milly knew his sizes from their cross-dressing festival and this time as well, it was a perfect fit. He held on to the top edge as Milly zipped him up from behind, releasing the feathery edge again as she finished zipping him up. The dress was tight around his chest and waist, the bottom running down with a bow and it had a double layer, something he hadn't seen in the picture. He raised his hand towards the feather like edge again to pull it up a little. His shoulders were completely exposed and he felt slightly embarrassed about it, his cheeks glowing in a soft taint of pink as Milly observed him from the mirror.


Nina nodded in response and went to fetch his silk gloves. He stepped of the stool and on to the ground, turning in a small circle to see how he looked like in the mirror. This was more out of curiosity rather than being stuck up because he wasn't feeling pretty in it at all. He looked at Milly and the grin never left her face.

"You surely are enjoying this..."

"I'm just doing what's best..."

She answered in a playful tone and took the gloves that were given to her. Lelouch took them and put them on one by one as he watched Milly.

"No... Nina... I don't think the stuffing will fit... besides I think he looks good as it is without them... now go see if Rivalz is ready to begin the ceremony and see if Shirley has the rings!"

She commanded the small girl and she ran back to store the cotton balls in the closet again, they were the ones they used during the cross-dressing festival and Lelouch mentally sighed as Milly prepared his veil. He turned to the shoes and sat down on the stool to put them on. He had to wear heels for a change, though he had experienced their horror only once. Walking on them wasn't necessarily hard but it was his endurance that was the problem. He put the white shoes on as Milly settled his veil, making sure that the wig part, which was attached to the veil itself, was in order so it ran partly down his shoulders and down his back.

His eyes narrowed as he pulled back a string of hair. Just a little more. He sighed and noticed that the blonde was observing him from the front. Milly stood in front of him, arms crossed as she looked him over for any mistakes. As if there was something missing.

"What is it...?"

Lelouch asked her and she smiled again before walking over to her large purse. Walking back again a moment later with some ear rings and a necklace. Lelouch remained calm and still as she clipped the ear rings on his ear lobe, he shook his head slightly and could feel the round golden balls tick against his skin. Milly also put on the necklace and carefully made sure that non of the veil was stuck to the clipping. Now she finally clapped and said to him.

"There! All perfect!"

She raised one fist to declare her victory and continued on with her rampage about his beauty and this being her first major success. There was nothing to be successful about and Lelouch hardly listened to her, instead his mind was fixated on other things.

"It's time! Hurry Lulu!"

He had barely time to think as he felt a bouquet being pushed in his hands as he was dragged forward through the door. Somewhere his mind stopped during that time and it only registered several things at a time. The CD player was set on play as he was led forward, towards his unofficial wedding. Their classroom changed towards another festivity place.

The door opened and he followed Milly inside, everyone else looked at him with amazement but he didn't notice, his cheeks glowed vividly as he stepped through them and down the small aisle and up to the front. His eyes turned upwards from the ground and it was then that he saw him. Light brown hair, green eyes and he looked graceful for a change. Wearing a completely white suit, one that fitted with his dress. His thoughts lingered back tot heir phone call and he tried to read his expression but it could've just been surprise and amazement that covered it, just like everyone else's.

"We are gathered here today!"

Rivalz finally began and he was even given a priest like outfit, though he hardly followed his ceremony. His thoughts were stuck on Suzaku, his mind engaged in an inner struggle for what he thought was right. Was it righteous for him to give in to his feelings, but to risk everything else he had been fighting for in the future.

Suzaku wouldn't forgive him if he knew he was Zero. He detested his methods and had said so many times before, but would it be alright for him to remain like this. To move forward without regretting it in the future. If everything was in place then what was left for him? There would be nothing because he never took that opportunity.


He blinked and looked at his side towards Shirley, she was softly calling his name and he noticed how everyone was looking at him. Rivalz loudly coughed as he repeated himself.

"Do you... Lelouch Lamperouge... take this man, Kururugi Suzaku... as your lawfully wedded husband...?"

His gaze then turned to the Japanese and his fingers tightened around the bouquet. Suzaku really didn't notice him at all, but the way he smiled invited him to create a bond. It had always been like that.


He answered in a quick tone and quickly averted his gaze as Rivalz continued.

"Then you may exchange the rings!"

He handed his bouquet to Shirley and both were given their rings. A wedding was supposed to be the start of something beautiful, but this. This wouldn't start anything, nothing would begin and nothing would end. He gave Suzaku his hand as the other slipped on the golden ring. His fingers steadily shaking as he did the same.

"Then I declare you now, husband and wife!"

He could hear soft firecrackers going off in the background and noticed how Milly was pulling the string on some festivity indoor fireworks. Pulling the string as confetti sprung out with a soft pop she smiled at them. Suzaku's hand never loosened its grip though the thing he really wanted to do right now was to run away from all this.

"You may kiss the bride!"

His eyes widened as he looked at Rivalz, his expression finally changing for once, but instead of attacking him like last time he remained still. Half regretting this because it would never happen. He shouldn't wish for anything, because it would never be fulfilled.

The other hand tightened around his own and he was forced to look up. His own lips parted to say something but he stopped, his eyes widening as his mind started to register what was happening. He felt something warm push forward against him and he could hear everyone expressing their own astonishment as he realized what had happened. He was being kissed, Suzaku was kissing him. Kissing him! His own eyes closed slowly as he felt himself being pushed backwards and he titled his head just slightly as the other pushed forward. This wasn't just a normal kiss, he could feel Suzaku's tongue trying to access his own mouth. He parted his lips slightly but only felt it caress his mouth shortly because the other parted again. He was left stunned by his sudden actions and could even make out a slight blush on Suzaku's cheeks.

"Suzaku! Pervert!"

"He did it?!"

Suzaku turned to the onlookers and scratched his head before responding to them.

"Sorry... I thought it was part in the ceremony..."

Non of them believed it of course and Shirley stared at them with shock, but the festivities continued with him left in a daze...

You may now kiss the bride- SuzaLulu (BOYXBOY)Where stories live. Discover now