Chapter 14

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CHAPTER 14 - Trust Me


"There are titans outside the wall!" The garrison on Wall Maria suddenly shouted to his fellowmen.

"Tell this immediately to the Scouting Legion!" Another member of the garrison said, as another one grew his eyes big as he recalled the image of the first titan that he saw way back when he was still young inside the walls of Wall Sina.

"Sir! I believe that the titan is Annie Leonhardt!" He told the other members before the head told the others what to do.

"Tell Commander Erwin about the news. And tell them that the titan seemed to be Annie Leonhardt." He said, before he looked down at the female titan and observed her as his eyes grew big when he saw someone on her shoulers.

"Tell them she's carrying Eren Jaeger!" He shouted at the person beside him before the soldier used his 3D maneuver gear to follow the first soldier who was ordered to send the message.

Annie stopped running before Eren suddenly bit his finger again. He was so desperate to become a titan and he kept on wondering on why could not he change into one again.

Throughout the journey, Annie kept on telling him that maybe his body idled for almost 2 years that made his body did not react to the wound. But Eren did not listened. He kept on trying and trying, biting and biting his hand all over again even though nothing happened.

"Ugh. Why?!" Eren screamed before he felt the temperature of his body changed, and that time he succeeded.


"Sir! We are sorry to interrupt your meeting sir. But there is a titan in front of the gates of Shiganshina. It was believed to be Annie Leonhardt sir." The soldier of the garrison said that made the soldiers inside the conference room's eyes grew big.

Another soldier slammed the door of the room, getting the attention of all the people inside. He was panting and was trying his hardest to compose himself.

The soldoer stood up and saluted at everyone before he spoke. "The titan is said to be carrying Eren Jaeger on her shoulders sir!"

Mikasa and Armin stood up with their wide eyes, as Levi looked at her with his worried eyes covered up with the plain ones.

"Are you sure about this?" Mikasa and Armin absentmindedly said in unison that made the others look at them.

The two soldiers nodded as their answer. Mikasa started to run towards the door when she suddenly felt a hand gripped her wrist, making her stop from her movements and look back at the person who stopped her.

"Levi..." She uttered.

"Don't move on your own. We don't know what they are up to." He plainly said, that made Mikasa's brows furrow with a little bit of anger.

"What are you talking about? She's carrying Eren! They might have escaped from where Eren was probably locked up for two years!" Mikasa said, raising her voice.

Levi's brows furrowed as well before he stood up and faced Mikasa.

"You don't know wat they are up to! What if it's a trap?! What if they would be just luring us or what if they would be pretending to be one of us again and be a spy inside?!" He said, raising his voice as well that made the others surprised. It was new for them to see the two coverse with their voices that high, again.

"It's Eren we are talking about here! Eren will not betray us!" Mikasa defended that made Levi more irritated.

"I told you to always hold back your emotions first right?! Why don't you think first before you act? You always loose yourself when it comes to that guy! What if he's brainwashed by the titans already?! He is not like us Mikasa!" Levi said, making the others' eyes grew big with his last line.

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