chapter 4: heartbreak holiday

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---7 months later---

Me and Damian are still together. He makes me so happy are perfect together, at least in my mind. I loved him. he changed me for the better. I couldn't stand even a day without talking to him.

Of course being in this long distance relationship, there would always be that thing missing where people connected on a physical level. And I craved that. I wanted to feel physically loved, I wanted cuddles and kisses from him. I wanted to feel his touch. Only few of my friends and his friends knew about us. I wanted to tell the whole world but, to stake my claim on this boy I had feelings for but my insecurities got the better of me, I was so scared they would disapprove.

Agreeing to being his girl I knew this wouldn't be easy at all. But our whole relationship is that moment of undying love normal couples have for....well a moment. I was lucky enough to have it for 7 months...and longer. This whole time has felt being stuck in that moment, like no one else in the world matters but me and Damian.

But being in this relationship has tested both our limits to the max. Jealousy and worry not knowing what the other is doing or if they're okay. Its even harder because of Damian's financial situation. He is less fortunate meaning it is a struggle to talk to each other, we are only limited to one hour around 2am for me and 10am for him where we can message on Skype because of his computer class he takes at his school. Its crazy and almost near impossible but its what I look forward too, that one hour.

But one day I made a mistake, a huge mistake and I'm still paying for it till this day...

1 week before---------

I had just been nominated to do the ice challenge (lol who remembers this?). Unfortunately since this challenge spread so quickly it caused shops to have absolutely NO ice, like what the fu*k, who runs out of ice??. anyway as my parents are out looking for ice I'm busy making a Facebook account, my parents are strict and disagree with whole social media thing, so after begging on my knees (literally) to my dad, he finally agreed to let me make a Facebook so I can post my ice challenge.

After ice cold water has been poured over me, I quickly post the video to Facebook and see i have a new friend request, from Drew Nelson, my childhood frenemy. He was a di*k to me in primary school, always telling my crushes I liked them, but he always made me laugh. I press accept and soon I get a message from him...

"Hey Nia its been a while" he's message read.

"Hi drew and yeah it has its been like 2 years right?" I reply

We continue to catch up for a while, its very interesting talking to him....he's a bit weird but in a funny way.

"Hey you should come over tomorrow to my house, for old times sake?" He asks.

I'm stunned, I never expected him to ask me over. I don't think it would be bad, we did use to be close when we younger, so i agreed thinking: what's the worst that could happen. And let me tell you, the worst f*cking happened.

Who even reads authors notes?? I certainly don't, but for those who do read I apologise that these chapters are a bit boring, I promise it will get more interesting from here on in, and also I'm on holiday and have literally been sick for most of the two weeks, and I'm also going through some personal stuff. I'm trying my best to update as much as possible. Thank you!

Nia xx

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