Chapter 41

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Hours later, the group left the dressing room with new haircuts and hair colours. Su Bin went through her newly dyed hair. It was a blue ombre from a dark blue to a turquoise at the ends. Namjoon's hair was a blueish-silver while Yoongi's hair was pink. Seokjin's hair was green but it wasn't a disgusting or bright green, it was an alright green. The twins managed to convince their Appas to let them dye another colour. Ji Woo had bright red hair and Min Jun had light brown hair.

"Hm that colour is nice," Jimin muses as he picks up Ji Woo. "Maybe I could have it for the next promotions."

"That's not your choice hyung," Taehyung says, smiling. "It's the stylist noonas choice."

"Noona I like your hair colour," Min Jun says in her arms while playing with her turquoise ends.

"Su Bin?" a familiar voice calls out and she diverts her sight from the younger boy to the front and she sees the boy.

"Daejunnie?" she calls out surprised and he stands there, not moving closer to the group.

She looks back to Bangtan who was looking away, not wanting to interrupt anything. She makes eye contact with Namjoon who nods silently. She lowers down Min Jun and he gets off before running to Namjoon who picks him up before sighing and turns back to make eye contact with the boy but was never returned. "Don't come home too late okay?" Seokjin says and she nods, without turning back.

Waiting till Bangtan and the twins left, she then walks over to Daejun who just stood there, not looking into her eyes. "Daejun..." she starts but he cuts her off.

"I'm sorry Su Bin," he says, fidgeting.

"What are you sorry for?" she asks.

"I'm sorry for fighting with you..." he says. "Even though we weren't together but we acted like a couple. I should have understood that your actions. It has always been in you. That's why when the twins were thrown out, you followed them and chose to live on the streets, taking care of them."

It was more than just that. "But I really shouldn't have fought with you as something as trivial as that. I don't know why I fought with you but I did," he says before taking her hands, staring into her eyes, "and I'm sorry for that."

She gets out of his grip slowly as his expression changes. "Daejun..." she calls out softly and takes a deep breath. "A lot of things happened when you weren't around. You may think what can happen in one week. A lot can happen and I had a lot of time to think about everything. We may have been caught up in moments and thought we actually liked each other and even though nothing was official, we had something. I wouldn't deny that. As time went by after the fight, I found myself slowly giving up on us. It may be because I didn't see you everyday or message you everyday, I didn't find myself missing you or liking you as people has mentioned. I really don't know what it is like to genuinely like someone. It may be cliche, it may not be but... I think we were just caught up in the moment."

He breaths out, letting everything sink in. "I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend but now after what you had said... I'm so confused Su Bin. I thought I did the moment I saw you..."

"Attraction is different to liking Daejun," she replies before smiling slightly, looking away embarrassingly. "I thought you looked really cute and hot when I first saw you."

"Cute and hot?" he asks, quirking an eyebrow and she laughs nervously.

"I saw a lot of posts about Jimin Oppa and how he turns from sexy to cute in a split second, killing all the fan girls... When I saw you, I thought of that," she said, biting down on her lower lip, smiling sheepishly.

"I see..." he trails off. "Do I remind you of everyone in Bangtan...?"

She nods meekly. "You have deep dimples like Namjoon Oppa, a contagious smile like Hobi Oppa, attractiveness like Jimin Oppa, aegyo looks like Jungkookie Oppa, your love for cooking and your broad shoulders like Jin Oppa and finally weirdness like V Oppa. I realized that during our date..." she trails off, feeling the awkward tension as she grips onto her elbow.

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