Chapter 53

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"Min Appa!" Min Jun greets happily, a smile on his face as he jumps onto his favourite Appa.

"Oh Min Junnie," Jimin calls out, eyes in crescents as Ji Woo greets the other Appas.

"Oh Ji Wooie," Dae Jun calls out before passing a huge bouquet of flowers. "Taehun hyung told me to pass it to you. He said you'll know what he meant."

She takes it and smiles as she remembers when she was in coma and Taehun spoke to her.

Because I wanted you to remember baby breath as a happy thing from now on, not a sad thing because flowers are meant to cheer you up. I hope one day when people ask you what is your favourite flower, I want you to reply, baby breath because it doesn't just hold happiness but everything in between. Sadness, anger, disappointment, every single emotion.

She puts the flowers at the side before pulling on Yibo's hand towards her Appas. "Oh Yibo," Seokjin calls him and the maknae of UNIQ bows. "How have you been?"

The rest of the Bangtan boys started to mingle with UNIQ while Su Bin and Dae Jun decided not to socialize for the moment. They decided to make it official and give relationship a try. "Dae Jun..." she whispers and he looks at her curiously. "I don't want to stay here anymore."

"With Bangtan hyungs?" Dae Jun asks, confused and she nods. "Wae?"

"I don't want to bother them anymore. I know he will return..." she replies and Dae Jun nods, having learn bits and pieces of her story but knows who he is. "I don't want them to get attacked. If I disappear, he will disappear with me because he's aiming me."

"Just think about it alright? Promise me," Daejun mutters and she nods, leaning on his shoulder to enjoy the short moment of just being the two of them till Jungkook started to tease about the love birds and they started to greet the UNIQ members.


Su Bin looks up to the dark sky, partially seeing the moon and smiles slightly. She then feels someone's presence and she looks over to see Yibo who makes eye contact with her. "Hi," he greets in Chinese, smiling slightly.

"What are you doing out here?" she asks, diverting her gaze back to the scenery in front of her.

"We're leaving soon. I decided to come out to talk to you," he replies and all she does was nod. "I wonder if you could reply a question for me."

"Question?" she asks, wondering what kind of question it would be.

"How is it that the twins are so mature for their age?" he asks, knowing that he sounds stupid but he was really curious.

She smiles slightly before replying, "The twins... have been through a lot I guess. I'm pretty sure you know our story... We were taken in from the streets. Not a lot of people go through living on the streets and surviving."

"I know for a fact that you took care of them, that's why they lived. But why would you do that?" the maknae of UNIQ wonders. 

"They were like my siblings. Too precious to just leave them alone. So I decided to live on the streets with them. Take care of them and make sure they wouldn't die," she replies, smiling slightly.

Yibo doesn't say anything as thoughts and questions went through his mind. He wanted to know more. "Don't you have a family? Wouldn't you want to stay with them instead of ending up on the streets?" he asks and she sighs, knowing that one day someone will overstep their boundaries and ask her about her past life.

The Luoyang boy expected to be yelled at which will gain the attention of his own group and BTS before being to asked to leave the dorm and on the way home, Yi Xuan would be scolding him for asking sensitive questions and scold him about how he should have known. But how would he know? After all, he started training at thirteen.

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