Can I Have You Forever? - Ch. 6

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* IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD THE JOJO SONG THAT I POSTED ON THE RIGHT, YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO IT! I LOVE IT :) Haha sorry about the caps but anyway, it's really good. I love it :) I had to say that again haha. She cusses in it! Just thought I'd warn you :) Anyway, continue reading! Hope you enjoy!

Can I Have You Forever?

Chapter 6 -

Do you know how when your classroom door opens you automatically glance that way? That's what I did.

And my jaw dropped.

I was sitting at the table I always sat at with my friends in English class. We were all talking about the latest gossip and waiting for Mr. Matthews, our English teacher, who was late.

We were talking about Kate Labrowski and how she got caught cheating on her boyfriend who she was with for three years when the classroom door had opened.

And Troy Daze had walked in.

A hand suddenly waved in front of my face and I whirled to the person the hand belonged to.

"Are you okay?" Nikki asked pulling her hand back and setting it in her lap. "You were staring at Troy for a while."

I moved my embarrassed gaze to the table then back to Nikki. She gave me a knowing smile. I told Nikki everything that had happened at the beach on Saturday.

Her smile disappeared. "Wait, does he know you're in high school?"

I shook my head. "I have no idea. I don't think so."

"Oh, you're screwed."

I glared at her. "Thanks, Nick. Thanks."

"OMG, do you see that?!" I shook my head. Only Diana would say 'OMG' instead of say out the words it was abbreviated for. I turned toward Diana to find her looking at Troy, dazzed. "He's hot," she sighed.

I snapped. I don't know why, but I did. "Diana, you think everyone is hot. I wouldn't be suprised if you found my dad hot."

The insult itself wasn't good, it was horrible actually, but what suprised everyone was that I said it. I'm usually the happy, cool, calm one out of our group. They usually don't think I have the balls to say something like that.

"What's got your thong in a twist?" James asked.

I just shook my head and started doodling in my notebook.

"Okay everyone! I'm Troy Daze. Mr. Daze in front of other students and teachers and staff, Troy in the classroom..."

I glanced up when Troy started talking. Gosh, he looked so cute standing up there, with his white button up shirt and the loose tie around his neck. His black slacks fit his muscled legs just right. And his butt...

"Earth to Beck!"

I blinked and turned my head toward Diana. She smirked. "No wonder you got defensive when I said he was hot."

"Okay. Now that you know a little about me, how about you guys share a few things about yourself." Troy said, turning my attention from Diana to him.

He pointed to Tiana, who was across the room. I barely paid attention as they were going around the room introducing themselves. I was too busy worrying about the fact that he was my new English teacher. Did he even know I was in high school? I never mentioned it. If he didn't, well, he's going to be in one hell of a shock...

"Ouch!" I glared at Nikki who elbowed me in my stomach. "That hurt."

She waved away my glare. "It's your turn," she whispered.

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