Can I Have You Forever? - Ch. 7

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Can I Have you Forever?

Chapter 7 -

It was official.

I was depressed.

Ever since I left Troy's classroom earlier that week, I couldn't help but think about that last kiss.

I touched my lips gently. That kiss was the best one I've ever had. It was sweet and gentle, yet passionate.

I groaned and dropped my hand onto my bed. I sounded like a love sick puppy. I mean, I wasn't even in love with Troy. I liked him, a lot, but I wasn't in love with him.


"Ugh!" I groaned again.

"Okay, Becca," I told myself. "Stop thinking about him and let's get this Geometry homework done."

It seemed even harder to get back on track since Jonathan decided to pop into my mind at that moment.

I dropped my head into my pillow, defeated. I was a sick person to be attracted to two teachers. Both of whom are friends and one even has a girlfriend. 

Jonathan didn't even look at me as more than a student. I wish he did. We'd get married then have cute little babies...

"That's it," I said getting out of my bed and grabbing my cell phone from on top of my desk.

Nikki answered on the third ring. "Hey, girlie."

"Let's go out tonight." I said.

"Umm... okay," Nikki replied. "Where do you want to go?"

"Any where."

There was silence. "Is this about Troy being our new English teacher?"

I sighed. I couldn't keep anything from Nikki. I kinda of hated that she could read me like an open book. Sometimes I just didn't want to talk about things.

"Yeah," I admitted. "But I don't want to talk about it right now."

"OKay," she replied, knowing I needed some space. "Wanna go to Club 593? My brother's the bartender tonight so we'll definately be getting drinks."

I sighed, grateful. "Thank you so much, Nikki. I really need this."

"I'll always have your back girl, don't ever forget that." There was silence. "I'm texting Diana, James and Mike to see if they wanna come."

"I don't know why," I laughed. "You know they are."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2011 ⏰

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