Reaching The Main Enterance

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                                                                   Chapter Nine

I woke up the next day. Ichigo, Chad, Rukia, Orihime, and Uryu must have already gotten up it was only Crystal, Borko and I in the room. Ichigo walked in.

"Come on guy's we have to get moving" Crystal and Borko didn't know we were going out. We got up and went over to the group.

"Are we all here?" I asked. They all nodded.

"Ok then let's go" Ichigo said we walked back up the stairs and out the door. After a fe hour's we were back where we entered. "The gate's are over their" Ichigo said Pointing to a relly big gate. I gasped covering my mouth. Crystal was so energetic after yesterday even. She was Jumping up and down.

"Cool let's go! let's go!" Crystal was shouting whe was really excited. Ichigo walked up to the gate and there was a gate gaurd.

"Who is it?" I heard a voice shout out from the other side.

"It's Ichigo sir" the gate guard said.

"Ok let him in" the person said. Suddenly the gate's opened. Crystal took one glimpse at the guy he had Spikey white hair and Turqouise eye's his skin was tanned. It was a teenage boy he looked about fourteen. "Ichigo how are you I see you have brought some friends" he said and introduced himself. "I am Toushiro Hitsugaya nice to meet you three I am the captain of squad ten" he told us. Crystal hadn't said anything for a while.

"Crissy are you ok?" Borko asked her waving his hand up and down in front of her face.

"Huh...y..yeah I..I..I'm fine" Crystal stuttered. Toushiro smiled at Crystal and let us in.

"This is where we live" Toushiro showed us around then a girl came over us.

"Toushiro where have you been I have been looking everywhere for you!" the girl said. Crystal's smile turned into a frown I think she thought we had just met Toushiro's girlfriend.

"Momo why?" Toushiro asked her confused.

"The Lieutenants and Captains are looking for you we have a meeting" Momo said.

"Oh great I was told to show Ichigo's friend's around though" Toushiro said.

"We are extremely sorry Toushiro will be with you in a few minute's just stay here" Momo said bowing.

"Ok thanks" Crystal said she sounded annoyed. I bowed to Momo. "Courtney I need to tell you something" Crystal told me.

"Ok" I replied.

"I think I have a crush on Toushiro" Crystal told him I felt a grin spread across my face.

"Cute!!" I said jumping up and down. "I need to tell you something to" I added.

"What?" Crystal asked.

"Ichigo and I are going out" I said to her. This time Crystal was jumping up and down and we were both squealing like little pig's.

"Girl's what are you so excited about?" Borko asked us.

"Nothing" I replied quickly and remained still. The three of us walked back over to the group. And a few hour's later. Toushiro came back and showed us around some more. We finished up at a training ground.

"Ok let's see what you have got?" Toushiro said. And dropped a quarter of a tablet to track hollow's down.

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