Back To Commander Yamamoto

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                                                                Chapter Eighteen

The next day I woke up extra early. Ichigo was fast asleep he was exahausted from helping me train. I let him sleep. I got dressed and headed over to the Commander.

"Sir I am so sorry I attacked you and said all those thing's I didn't mean it I was just annoyed" I apologised.

"It is ok Courtney I have heard from your friend's that you are loving and caring" he said. I was surprised.

"Wait! so your not mad at me?" I asked confused.

"No I do not get mad at my pupil's" he told me smiling.

"Then how come?" I stopped.

"I didn't put you through because I knew you could do better and contol your spiritual energy without getting mad" he told me.

"So you mean...I'm through?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Yes your through" he said smiling.

"Oh my gosh! thank you so much I promise you I will never fail you!" I told him he handed me my award and I went back to my room. Ichigo was awake now and watching T.V.

"You passed?" Ichigo asked.

"Yeah!" I replied.

"Cool" he said. And I gave him a hug.

"I have to tell Crystal and Borko!" I told him.

"Ok I will wait for you to come back" Ichigo said and went back to watching television. I walked down the corridor and went to Borko's room first. Rukia was sitting down on her bed.

"Rukia where's Borko?" I asked her.

"Um..well uh.." Rukia stuttered.

"Rukia! where is he?" I asked.

"He said he was getting something to eat and didn't return" Rukia told me. I gasped. And slammed her bedroom door. I ran to Crystal and Toushiro's room.

"Crystal! Crystal!" I screamed. I scared her and she almost hit the roof.

"What is it?!" Crystal asked.

"Borko's gone!" I screamed at her.

"Oh no who know's who could have taken him!" she said. Toushiro looked shocked too.

"I will get Ichigo and Rukia you two go and look for him" Toushiro told me. I nodded. And Crystal gave him a hug. We were all already in our soul reaper uniform's. I had learnt from the mistake I made when Renji lost it.

"Did anything happen while you were training?" I asked.

"No everything was fine did you get through?" Crystal asked.

"Yes but there is no time to talk about that we need to think who could of taken him" I told Crystal. She nodded in agreement. Ichigo, Rukia and Toushiro had caught up to us.

"I think I might know who  has taken him" Ichigo said.

"Who?" Crystal and I asked at the same time.

"Renji" he replied.

"You know he probably has" I said to everyone.

"Yeah but  then again he might have not been taken maybe he got caught up with somebody and they are having a long chat" Crystal said hoppefully. I nodded I knew that probabaly hadn't happened but I agreed so she wouldn't worry.

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