Waking Up In Hospital

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                                                                Chapter Thiry-One

I woke up and saw Yuzu staring at me on my left and Karin on my right.

"Ichigo she's awake" Yuzu called to her big brother.

"Cute girl you have here Ichigo" Ichigo's dad called to him. Suddenly Karin kicked her dad in the face. "Nice reflexe's honey" her dad told her I tried to laugh but it hurt my wound's. Karin rolled her eye's.

"Sorry about that" she said to me.

"It's ok" I replied with a weak smile. Ichigo came downstairs he looked exhausted.

"Finally your awake" he said to me.

"Yeah how come you look so tired?" I asked.

"Courtney Ichigo stayed up all night with you mending your wound's he thought you were going to die" Yuzu told me.

"Oh how come?" I asked.

"Cos you weren't breathing right" Karin told me.

"Oh...well I'm ok now" I told her. Yuzu and Karin both smiled at me. I then realised I was in my human body.

"We will leave you guy's alone to talk" Yuzu told me and walked off with her father and sister. She was only 10 and looked after her family well since their mother died she was the one alway's up cooking.

"So what did I do to you?" Ichigo asked me.

"Well you cut both my shoulder's cut me everywhere else and then kissed me and then dissapeared I think Crystal's attack saved me" I told Ichigo the good Ichigo the Ichigo that never tried to kill me the Ichigo that respected me.

"Lucky she got there" Ichigo told me.

"Yeah I hope Benzaiten is ok" I said.

"She is" Ichigo assured me.

"That's good" I replied in the afternoon my wound's were healed and I could head home.

"Courtney your alright that's good" Mum said. I began to wonder what she had been told.

"Um...yeah I'm fine" I told her. And went upstairs to get changed. I picked up my mobile phone after I had gotten dressed and dialed Crystal's number.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hi Crystal it's Courtney congratulations on mastering how to call apon you zanpakutō and thank's for saving me I am so lucky you were there if you weren't I would be dead" I thanked her.

"Hey no problem your one of my best friend's I will alway's be there for you" She replied.

"Well see you at school tomorrow" I told her and hung up. I was just about to relax and then my phone rang. I picked up.

"Courtney! Courtney! I heard you fell down the stair's and crashed through a window last night are you ok?" oh so that's what they thought happened. It was Shakira on the phone.

"Yeah I'm fine never felt better" I told her smirking at the thought of me falling down the stair's then again it could be possible because I was clumsy.

"Ok well see you tomorrow at school" Shakira said.

"Ok bye" I replied and hung up. After a few hour's it was nightime and I went to bed. Early so I could save my strength for school the next day. Hopefully a normal day at school but that was very rare lately. I dozed off ready for a fresh new start. And when I say fresh I mean fresh.

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