Shakira's Battle Against Izuru

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                                                             Chapter Fourty-Four

The battle started. Izuru explained how to fight obviously Shakira already knew she did do Karate for a few year's. Shakira charged at Izuru and swung her zanpakutō at him she almost hit him but missed. Izuru managed to slashe her wrist. Shakira knew she had to win this for me mainly. A few hour's later the battle was over and the both of them were bleeding badly but Shakira won.

"Great job Shak" I said.

"Thank's" she replied smiling.

"Uh....Shakira that was some really neat fighting out there" Izuru told her. Shakira blushed.

"Um..thank's" she replied and gave him a hug Izuru had a massive grin spreading across his face. I couldn't help but giggle they were sooo cute even though they were both older then I was. We all headed back to our cabin to eat and then go to bed. The next day we would head home again and Izuru was coming with us. I was the last asleep out of Ichigo and I, I had a vision that something was happening back home. I eventually fell asleep and woke up at like 12:00am. I had just had a nightmare.

"Ichigo! wake up now you must!" I told him shaking him rapidly.

"What?" he asked sounding tired.

"I am sensing something" I told him. Ichigo rubbed his eye's to wake himself up. And then the other Ichigo was in our room the evil one. I gasped. "Wh..wh..what are you, you doing here?" I asked him sounding really scared. He snickered.

"Why do you think I'm here angel?" he asked me. I stared at him shocked I knew exactly what he was here for he was here for me.

"Your not touching her!" the real Ichigo told him and got up so he was infront of me.

"Oh yeah! who's gonna stop me?" he asked the good Ichigo. Suddenly the evil Ichigo dissapeared and reappeared behind me. I gasped. He had his arm's around my body holding me really tightly.

"Let me go" I asked him.

"Aww to bad your not enjoying this you should be because I am prety much the exact same person as your boyfriend" he told me with his arm's still around me. I gasped trying to get some air in but his hold was to tight.

"YOUR GONNA KILL HER!" the good Ichigo said. The evil Ichigo snickered. Suddenly I ran out of breathe and passed out. My head on the evil Ichigo's shoulder. "You Jerk" the good Ichigo said.

"I told ya she was going to be all mine sooner or later didn't I?" the evil Ichigo said and snickered again. Then dissapeared. The good Ichigo suddenly placed my head on his lap and felt my chest to see if I was still breathing.

"Shit she could die that jerk" he said to himself. Then Borko and Crystal came in.

"What's with all the noise Ichigo?" Borko asked then Crystal and Borko both saw me passed out on Ichigo.

"Oh no" Crystal said and the both of them ran over to me.

"Somebody get Hantaro he can heal everything else surely he can get her breathing properly again" Ichigo oredered.

"Ok I'll call squad four" Borko said and dialed the number a little while later Hanataro came to see me.

"Oh no that is bad what hapened?" Hanataro asked.

"That other me came and pretty much sufercated her" Ichigo told Hantaro.

"Oh I will see what I can do" Hanataro told Ichigo.

"Thank's" Ichigo replied and placed me on his knee. Hanataro ended up healing me.

"Wh...wh..what happened Ichigo?" I asked Ichigo weakly.

"The evil me sufercated you" he replied.

"Oh yeah I remeber" I said weakly. Then saw Hanataro. "Thank you Hanataro" I thanked him.

"It's ok any time your my friend" Hanataro replied. I managed to give him a weak smile.

"How come it's you they want?" Ichigo asked himself a question about me. The next morning I woke up it was early and Ichigo had fallen asleep next to me. I rembered the dream I had.

"Ichigo wake up earth is being destroyed" I told him nerveously.

"Courtney it was just a dream" Ichigo replied.

"It was not I can sense it  we have to go!" I told him.

"Ok, ok I'll get dressed" Ichigo replied.

"And I'll get the other's" I told him and headed out to the corridor. First I woke Borko and Orihime up. Then I wpke Crystal and Toushiro up. And then I woke Shakira and Izuru up and we all meeted in the corridor.

"Why did you wake us?" Borko asked.

"Cos earth is in danger we must go back" I told them.

"But it might be a trap" Borko replied.

"I don't care I am a soul reaper I am supposed to risk getting caught in a trap" I replied argumentitive.

"What the hell why?" Borko asked. we were both arguing now. Lately we had been doing that alot.

"WE HAVE FAMILY THERE! AND FRIENDS!" I shouted at him. Borko then stopped arguing with me.

"Ok fine let's go" he replied and we all headed to where we came from and ran back through the tunnel. We arrived  back on earth and the place was peaceful.

"See there's nothing wrong" Ichigo told me and placed his hand's on my shoulder's.

"No! there has to be" I said and at that moment we heard a girl scream. "THAT'S DILMI!" I shouted and bolted in the direction of her scream. It was a hollow. And he was trying to turn Dilmi into a hollow as well. Dilmi was wearing her eearing's she alway's wore suddenly they started to shine and shimmer.

"Don't worry Dilmi we will help you" that was a few little voice's. Then fairy's appeared. Dilmi was surprised. They were making a bubble around her. I jumped infront of her.

"Get lost!" I ordered it. But obviously it didn't listen. It took a swing at me but Ichigo jumped and pushed me out of the way. "Thank's" I thanked him.

"Next time don't do that it was dangereous" Ichigo told me I nodded and went to help the other's Izuru was stopping Shakira from fighting she wasn't strong enought yet to fight a powerful hollow.

"Izuru let me help!" she told him.

"I can't do that" he replied.

"That's exactly what you said to Courtney they need me!" Shakira told him. The hollow hit us all at the same time and we all went in different direction's. It really hurt and we were all bleeding horribly. "Oh no now look Izuru I must help!" Shakira said. And she started glowing white. Izuru then instantly let her go.

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