Chapter 22: Talk

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Bethany's and Deanna's fear filled screams echoed around the lair that hid Ultrons robots from the world. The noise bounced off the walls, making them louder and more frequent. The robots didn't seem fazed, the continued in with their work and ignored the children's cries.

Wanda and Pietro still stood with the two little girls, watching as they cried and tugged harshly at the cuffs around their hands. "No! No! Please!" Bethany begged, her feet scraping the floor as she kicked out. The cuffs around her wrists bit into the soft skin, tearing the layers until they bled.

At the same time Deanna continued to sob, her body unmoving and hair a mess. "I couldn't save them." Deanna whispered in between sobs. "I couldn't stop them dying."

"I don't understand." Wanda said gravely. "They shouldn't have fears like that at such a young age."

"Wanda what happened? Tell me please!" The sliver haired twin begged. "Why are they acting like this." Wanda didn't answer her brothers pleads for a moment, she kept her brown eyes focused on the two young girls. "Wanda!"

"They don't have normal fears!" Wanda finally replied, her voice fairly loud. Everything stopped, the whole room went silent. "Bethany is scared of a world where everyone is the same, emotions don't exist. Deanna is scared of not being able to save the ones she cares about, watching them die."

"You, you saw that?" Bethany gasped, her voice horse from crying. "You saw our fears?"

"Yes." Wanda replied, turning back to the children in the corner. "That's my power, I can show you your fears."

"Illusions?" Bethany questioned. "Like me?"

"You can cast illusions?"

"Yes." Deanna spoke up, kneeling up. "We both have powers, that's why Ultron wants us."

"What powers do you have?" Pietro asked, crouching down once again and looking at Deanna. The small blonde lifted her cuffs up for a moment, showing the small cuts in her hands healing quickly.

"I heal quickly and can heal others." Deanna said, dropping her hands back into her lap.

"That would explain your fears." The older brunette nodded. "But what about you, what was your fear about?" Bethany looked through her eyelashes for a moment.

"Deanna and I also have special talents. Deanna can speak and write every language in the world while I can understand and empathise with every emotion." Bethany explained. "I'm used to all emotions. Like yours." The young brunette paused and looked closely at the twins. "You're both confused yet filled with envy. You want some sort of revenge"

"How did-how on-"

"Успокойтесь, это то, что она может сделать. Но это правда, не так ли?" Deanna asked calmly. (Calm down, that's what she can do. But it's true isn't it? Russian)

"Это настоящие, да, но у нас есть основания." Pietro replied instantly. (It is true yes, but we have a reason. Russian)

"You have a reason?" Deanna questioned in English, translating the reply for Bethany.

"A reason to what hate Tony Stark?" Bethany questioned. "We aren't deaf, we could hear what you said."

"Он убил наших родителей, это его вина." Wanda muttered. (He killed our parents, it was his fault. Russian)

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