Chapter 19: The Plan

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After several hours and meals in the same room Bethany and Deanna had found nothing about Mjölnir and its past. The girls eyes were becoming sore but still they continued. When night fell between them both girls had read all the books Jane had in her possession.

"That didn't help at all." Bethany groaned as Deanna dropped the last book onto one of the many piles stacked in the room.

"Nothing's helping!" Deanna's cried. "We're being told all these things but we can't find anything about anything!" Suddenly the door creaked open and Jane peeped inside.

"Are you two okay?" The brunette woman asked. "I heard shouting."

"Yeah we're fine." Bethany replied. "We just can't find what we're looking for."

"What are you looking for?" Darcy asked, shoving Jane into the room and appearing at the door along with Erik.

"A book about Mjölnir." Deanna said, throwing herself to the ground at Janes feet. "But there is nothing at all."

"Have you read all these books?" Erik questioned, picking up one of the books near him. The pair nodded and sighed.

"Well it's time for bed." Jane informed. "Go and get changed and I'll out you to bed." Bethany and Deanna nodded and ran from the room and to their suitcases. Once changed the girls waited as Erik put up the double air bed for them and Darcy grabbed the blankets from the night before.

The young girls went head and tails in the bed once it was up, both of them comfy and wrapped in a blanket. "Good night." Jane cooed softly as she turned the lights off and left the room. Everything went silent for a moment, the only sounds coming from the crickets outside.

Deanna sat up and tapped Bethany leg, causing the brunette to groan and look over in the darkness. "What?"

"We need to find that information." Deanna whispered, being carefully not to draw attention to the living room.

"I know that but if they don't have a book we can't do anything." Bethany replied in a hushed voice.

"Well we can do something." Deanna said. "But we're going to get into trouble when we come back."

"What are you suggesting?" The brunette asked as the blonde slowly and quietly crawled out of bed and over to the two suit cases. Without a word Deanna opened both suitcases and reached inside. Out of hers she pulled out two backpacks, one was green while the other purple.

From Bethany's suitcase Deanna revealed a small bundle of money, wrapped up in a paper note that Pepper had written. "How did you know about that money?" Bethany asked, also getting out of bed and walking to the suitcases.

"It was placed in your wardrobe when we first got all our clothes." Deanna replied with a grin. "Pepper left it in their just in case something happened, we would have money to get by for a while until we found somewhere."

"What would happen?" Bethany questioned with wide eyes.

"Tony doesn't like us so there's always the idea he would kick us out." Deanna replied bitterly. "But not only that we live with superheroes, so anything could happen."

"You didn't answer my earlier question, what are you suggesting?" Deanna kept her mouth shut yet again and threw her friend the green backpack, placing the money in the front pocket of it.

"Get dressed and pack clothes, leave some room for bottled water and food from the kitchen." Deanna ordered. "We're going to find the books we need."

"Deanna this is a suicide mission! We aren't aloud without someone!"

"Okay one we have powers so we'll be fine." Deanna snapped. "And two if we don't do something soon anything could happen, we don't know what our powers can do as we grow!"

"Are we really going to put out trust in a ball of light that appears wherever and whenever?"

"Got a better idea?"

"No I guess not."

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