Chapter 1: Hi!

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"What are you so angry about?" Tony Stark asked as he watched Director Fury pace furiously (haha get it? Sorry).

"Agent Ingly." Fury replied with a huff.

"What's she done?" Steve asked, looking up from the book he was reading. The whole team were in the games room of the S.H.E.I.L.D facility, taking the opportunity to relax before another mission came in.

"She hung up on me!" The Director snapped.

"Why was she even phoning you?" Clint asked as he and Natasha were in the middle on an intense game of air hockey.

"She has files I need and she was reporting how her mission went to retrieve them."

"Ever thought the phone line might have been tapped?" Natasha asked, blocking the air hockey puck from entering her goal.

"It wasn't, and it was the only way I could get in contact with her. Her ear piece had broke during the mission." Fury replied as he finally stopped pacing.

"I'm sure she's fine. Besides if anything was wrong surely she'd tell you and not just hang up." Bruce spoke up. "I'm sure there's a reason for it."

"Oh there's a reason." Agent Ingly replied as she walked into the room. "The files are here but there's something much more important."

"How could something be more important than thi-?" Fury was cut off when Beth and Deanna walked into the room. Neither was paying attention to the adults in the room, simply just looking around the room itself. The Avengers and Fury all stared at the young girls in shock.

"Beth!" Deanna exclaimed, grabbing her friends wrist. "There's a whole book case full of books look!"

"No way!" Beth yelled as the two of the, scampered towards the book case. However Jamelah gently grabbed both their shoulders and pulled them to a stop.

"Girls, before you run off I want you to meet my boss. Director Fury this is Deanna and Beth."

"Bethany." The brunette greeted fully. "Nice to meet you Sir."

"Hi!" Deanna whispered, suddenly very shy.

"What is the meaning of this?" Nick asked, eyeing the two friends as they both looked at him.

"This is the reason I cut your call off." Jamelah replied.

"Two little girls!"

"Two very cleaver little girls. Bethany can understand and empathise emotions while Deanna can speak and write every language as if it's her first."

"And what is your first language sweetheart?" Natasha asked, kneeling down in front of the blonde. Deanna shifted in her feet before whispering;


"They're from England?" Steve asked, recognising their accents instantly.

"Yeah. Their parents brought them to New York and then went home, leaving them because they were different." Jamelah explained.

"How long have they been alone?" Bruce asked, watching as the pair spoke to one another quietly.

"That doesn't matter!" Fury exclaimed. "I don't want two children running around my Headquarters!"

"It does matter," Bruce argued. "They both could be severely unwell."

"They look fine!" Fury shouted, causing both girls to jump. "And we don't know who they are! They could be spies."

"Look Fury, two little girls are no big deal." Tony sighed.

"Only a foolish optimist can deny the dark realities of the moment." Bethany said, looking away from her conversation with Deanna. All the adults stared wide eyed at the brunette while her blonde friend grinned and giggled beside her.

"How do you even know that?" Steve asked in shock.

"Well Sir, we read plenty of books to know quotes like this." Bethany replied. "But I mean what I say." She turned to Tony. "You never know what can hide behind the light, every light has a shadow."

"Каждый серебряные накладки, линии облако" Deanna added.



Каждый серебряные накладки, линии облако - Every silver lining, lines a cloud (It's Russian)

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