◆ 0 ◆ Enter the realist

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It was just another normal day in the town of Osaka, the Kansai region of Japan.

In the midst of the perfectly normal day, a pile of luggage could be seen pushed out of the exit of the airport located in Osaka. And beside them was a girl not more taller than 4 feet. She had raven black hair like any pure Japanese would have and a pair of blue eyes with a stain of green which resembles the sea.

This very raven headed girl had just returned from her six years of studying abroad in England. Despite her lack of height, she's a now healthy thirteen year old girl.

When she reached the meeting spot she was told of, she found herself looking around searching for something, or rather someone.


At the sound of a nostalgic voice calling out to her, she spun around and was faced with a man who was in his mid thirties who wore a dark green colored hakama. Her sea colored orbs gleamed at the sight of the older man and she leapt into his open arms.

"I'm back, Papa!" Niko exclaimed as she dug her face into the hakama her father wore.

"Welcome back, my cute daughter." Niko's father had a warm expression as he caressed her head.


Reaching a traditional styled mansion which Niko called home, the raven headed girl had her stuff transported to her room that was emptied for a good six years.

It was evening by the time she had finished sorting out her stuff. All Niko wanted to do was to rest, but such plans were ruined when she was called to the living room by her father.


The raven headed girl's voice could be heard by the whole neighborhood if it wasn't for the soundproof walls around the traditional styled room. Blue eyes burn with rage as it was directed to the middle aged man before her, all traces of affections held from the reunion at the airport was burned by the flames of fury which now surrounds her.

As if oblivious to the furious glare directed to him, he repeated his words to his sole daughter.

"That's what I just said, I enrolled you in Shitenhouji."

"Don't joke around with me!" She slapped her hands on the table which separates them. "I know for a fact that Shitenhouji is a comedy paradise based school."

"As expected from my daughter, Papa graduated from there too, y'know!" He laughed it off without a care in the world.

"Shut up, you freaking old man! That's the very and every reason for me to object attending that school!" The raven headed girl stood up and points her finger at her (newly appointed) sorry-for-an-excuse father. "I hate comedy with every fiber in my body!"

"That's the reason why we're enrolling you there. You're the sole daughter of the world class comedian, Warai Taiyou!" He pointed at himself as he said so. "Besides, you're mother also graduated from there."


At that statement of her mother, Niko lost all chances of counterattacks. True, her father being a world known comedian made her think that everyone is weird for laughing at people saying stupid stuff or humiliating themselves just to get laughs out of people as a performance. But growing up with her mother, who's known as a famous traditional clothing designer made her think otherwise.

Her mother, Tsukomi Miyabi, true to her name was a woman of grace. She who was also once (and maybe still) known as the Yamato Nadeshiko in her field of work. Niko believes that there can be no one who'll ever be as wonderful as her mother as long as she lives.

"...Fine." Niko gave up on continuing this pointless argument which made the old man in front of her celebrate his victory of persuasion.

"But," Niko pointed out once more. "Without anyone knowing me as your daughter, I'll be attending Shitenhouji as Tsukomi Niko, not as a Warai."

For once, the world class comedian averted his gaze away from his daughter's blue fiery gaze with a hesitant look.

Oblivious to the suspicious act of her comedian father, Niko dashed out of the traditional mansion which she called home to pick up some groceries from a nearby supermarket since she took up the role to take care of the house chores during the time her mother works.

On the shortcut she took to reach the supermarket which required her to pass by the park, she passed by the tennis courts which was located next to the park.

Niko slowed down her pace at the nostalgic sound of bouncing neon balls. She didn't bother to pay attention to the group of boys who was hitting the boys and went deep in thought.

"Tennis, huh..." Niko recalled the time she spent in England which is the home country of the very sport. Her hand reached out caressed the silver locket that hung around her neck.

With click on the locket, she turn back her heels and continued her errand to the supermarket.


"What's wrong, Zaizen?" Oshitari asked the younger boy with piercings.

"... Nothing much." replied Zaizen as he gazed at the spot where Niko stood.

But this was only the beginning of Niko's comedy life journey.

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