Chapter 11

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Here is the next upload I gave a little twist and please don’t hate me for it, but I think the story is only beginning in this particular chapter so hope you Enjoy <3

PS sorry it might be short.

Chapter 11


I couldn’t explain what just happened, but Cole and Ashley were still waiting for an answer.

“No.” I said below a whisper looking them in the eye. They heard me perfectly, understanding their shocked reaction.

“Excuse me,” They both said at the same time.

“I don’t understand why she is so important so I’m saying no. Do I have to spell it out for you?”

“Well then I guess we have no choice then.” Ashley said.

“Hmmm I like the sound of that.” Cole happily said smiling ear to ear and rubbing his hands together in anticipation. They walked over to Jesse and Amanda.

“Everyone you love will die, including Jesse, if you don’t hand over Amanda.”

“Wait! I have a question.”

“Go on.” He said.

“What does a guardian do exactly?” They both smiled.

“Holds her soul together if both have their soul.” He said stepping toward my way.

“If I give you Amanda…”

“Oh you won’t die; you lose everything you have of being Mia Hearten.” I didn’t understand what she said but it was much better than dying.

“You won’t hurt her?”

“Oh no she is too valuable for that, so we have a deal?” They both looked at me waiting for an answer, what could I do? We would be stuck here for as long as I know.

“Well if you’re not going to hurt her…”

“Excellent!” After his words I was leaving where I was and found myself lying in a hospital room not understanding anything that just happened. I took in a deep breath and someone at my side smiled seeing me awake.

“You’re up thank god, I thought I lost you!” He bent down and kissed me on my lips, I stiffened when he sat back down.

“Who are you?” I whispered at him with discuss not understanding why a complete stranger kissed me.

“Mia it’s me Jeremy.” I looked at him like he was a complete idiot.

“Who in the hell is Mia?” I was losing it I don’t even know my own name just now thinking about it.



My ribs were bruised and my stomach was in pain due to hunger. My head was pounding and to top it off it was dark and freezing. The last thing I remembered was looking into Jesse’s eyes smiling and laughing about random things we shared. I tried moving but I was strapped or chained to a bed, more like a brick of cement. Little light came a few feet from me, what seemed like a door.

My teeth chattering, I was scared out of my mind. I had no idea how I got here or where I was and where Jesse was. My mind was jumping around not knowing what to do, say, or even think.

I was still here it was just darker, colder and much lonelier without Jesse and even Mia. My stomach was in pain, my soul wasn’t hungry but my body was. Taking in a breath only made the pain worse. I breathed in little breaths at a time, but couldn’t help but take a deeper breath trying to ignore the pain.

The ground was covered in fog, complete over cast, no stars or moon tonight. I couldn’t understand why being here without Jesse and Mia and to top it off weather like this. I rubbed my hands together trying to get blood circulation back in my hands.

I was at the edge of the forest when I saw them coming out of the fog towards my direction.

“We better get going.” Cole said taking my hand in his. I didn’t have a say, no literally I couldn’t control my own actions. This was frightening me by the second.

“Were we going?” I asked above a whisper.

“You will see.” A figure stepped out of the fog and I immediately frowned at her.

“You must wonder what had happened.” Ashley said, not giving me a chance to ask she kept going.

“You know who your guardians are, am I correct?” I nodded not wanting to her speak more.

“And you remember what happens when you are given to us?” Cole stated.

I stopped listing to them completely and started to remember my life before any of this happened. Jesse and I were much happier, but why me. Why do I have to be the one to have this kind of talent? I don’t even want the stupid thing.

Sometimes I wonder why I got it in the first place, have no clue. To me it’s not a gift; it’s more like a curse.

Hmmm didn’t see that coming did you. so I know how hard it is to press a button to your left it says VOTE… please click it, it doesn’t turn to another page or anything so take a second right now to do so :) Comment and hey fan me if you think I deserve such gratitude.  

Till next upload :)

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