Chapter 3

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Adderpaw froze as the bushes rustled. A river clan cat appeared. He looked too small to be a warrior so Adderpaw guessed he was an apprentice. "I was told to give this to you." He said dropping a mouse. "Thank you." Adderpaw mewed sharply. "I'm Otterpaw by the way." He said sitting down.

"That's a nice name." I don't know why I should care though... Adderpaw bit her tongue as she held back the rude remark. "What's yours?" The young riverclan cat asked shifting his paws. "Adderpaw." She growled under her breath. The apprentice looked hurt by her tone. "Sorry." She mewed softly.

"You deserve more than a scrubby mouse. I am gonna go catch you a fish from the river." Otterpaw said and spun around. He leapt through the bush and his paw-steps faded away. Adderpaw hooked her mouse with a claw and tossed it into the air. It landed with a plop.

A big grey warrior came back with Otterpaw. "Here." The cat said throwing a fish at her. "Hey!" Otterpaw hissed at the cat after it hit Adderpaw in the muzzle. The cat shrugged and padded away, flicking his tail. Otterpaw ran over and examined her muzzle. "Are you okay?" He asked. "Yes." She said licking a paw and swiping it over her muzzle. "Why am I here anyways?" She asked.

"Thunderclan took sunningrocks and Riverclan want them back so until they give them back your staying here. Don't worry, we will give you fish every other day." The grey and brown tom said. "Every other day?!" Adderpaw demanded. "I'm outta here!" She growled and jumped through the bushes. Adderpaw skidded to a halt as she reached the river bank. "She went this way!" She heard Otterpaw yowl in the distance. "Live or die trying!" She yowled and launched herself into the river.

She struggled to keep her head up as she flailed her paws frantically. She felt a cat bite her scruff. They caught me! She thought and unsheathed her claws. She swiped at the cat and realized she was back on dry land. "Hey!" A familiar voice growled. Stonetail! She opened her eyes and saw Stonetail, Silverstripe, Sandpelt, and Hawkpaw were standing at the border staring at her. She flattened her ears embarrassed. Did Hawkpaw see her drowning in the river? She was hot with embarrassment. "What were you doing?" Hissed Stonetail. The massive deputy's head was wet from dragging her out. "Riverclan was holding me captive because they want sunningrocks back!" She panted. Hawkpaw looked surprised as he padded to her side.

She hung her head and ran back towards camp. Just as she reached the entrance she turned left and headed towards Snakerocks. "Adderpaw?" Hawkpaw mewed behind her. She hung her head low and sat on the root of an oak. Hawkpaw jumped up beside her. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I look like a complete mouse-brain for almost drowning! And, everyone in the clan knows by now!" She said and turned her head away. "So what?" You escaped didn't you?" He said resting his tailtip on her shoulder. "What other cats think doesn't matter." He said. "Come back to camp. The hunting party came back with lots of prey."

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