Chapter 5

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"Adderpaw? Adderpaw wake up! Please get up!" Ravenstar pleaded. He pressed his nose into his daughter's fur. "She's alright, Ravenstar. Calm down." Fernwhisper reassured him. She shook Adderpaw with a forepaw. She blinked open her eyes. "What happened?" Adderpaw asked. She tried to get up but her back leg wouldn't move. "What's wrong with my leg?!" She wailed. Fernwhisper licked it. "It'll be okay. It's just disconnected. I will give you some poppy seeds so I can fix it." She mewed disappearing into the crack of the rock. She came back out and pushed two poppy seeds towards Adderpaw. She lapped them up and rested her head on her paws and fell asleep.

"No! Don't leave! I wanna play more!" Fuzzykit squeaked. "Yeah!" His brother Tawnykit mewed. The rest of the kits circled Adderpaw and Mistykit threw a moss ball to her paws. "One more game!" Mosskit pleaded. "Fine." Adderpaw said shaking off Tigerkit and Lilykit who clung to her pelt like ticks. Windpaw was also with her and Mistykit was kneading her pelt. "Let's play." Windpaw said tossing the ball across camp. All the kits chased it and Tawnykit, the biggest kit, was in the lead but Fuzzykit tackled him and got it first.

"Hey!" Tawnykit hissed. Fuzzykit dropped the ball. "What?" Tawnykit scowled at him. "You cheated!" Adderpaw put her tail between the two. "Let's play again." She said softly. She kits glared at each other once more before padding in different directions. Adderpaw hooked up the ball with her claw. Mistykit jumped up to grab it. "Ah! So many kits!" She joked. Tigerkit, Mistykit, Amberkit, Thornkit, Ivykit, and Lilykit tackled her to the ground. Their little paws tickled like water dropping on her pelt. Windpaw was being tackled by Tawnykit and Fuzzykit. "Hey! I'm not a Shadowclan warrior!" Windpaw growled at the two toms. They were almost as big as her.

She scrambled out of the kits grasp. "I have to go meet Thrushstripe, Stonetail, and Sandpelt for border patrol." She told the kits. "Awwwwww........" The kits all said good bye and went to the nursery. Windpaw looked relieved. "Those kits are a pawful!" She mewed cleaning her pelt. Adderpaw looked at her back, her pelt was full of dust and it stuck together in clumps. She sat up and cleaned her pelt quickly. "Ready to go?" Stonetail asked the two apprentices. Adderpaw and Windpaw nodded and got up.

Sunlight shone on Adderpaw's tabby pelt. Windpaw leapt up onto Sunningrocks. "It's really sunny today." Adderpaw purred. "Yup. Green-leaf is always the best season." Sandpelt meowed coming out of the bushes and dropping a vole. "Let's renew the sent markers while we are here." Stonetail said. "RiverClan might try to take back Sunningrocks." Thrushstripe added. After renewing the markers, the patrol laid down on sunning rocks to relax for a few minutes. Adderpaw stretched out and flexed her claws. She caught a glimpse of a brown pelt on the other side of the river.

Adderpaw pricked her ears. "What is it?" He sister asked stretching. "I don't know. I think it's a RiverClan patrol." She said. Six cats appeared through the reeds. "Back." Adderpaw hissed. "Now!" She backed down the rocks and hid in a crack between the boulders and the patrol followed. "What are we hiding for? They are on the other side of the river! Anyways it's just a patrol." Sandpelt mewed. "Well, that 'patrol' has six cats! Four of their strongest warriors, the deputy, and Ripplestar!" Adderpaw hissed. "They can't be to dangerous." Sandpelt rolled her eyes and climbed up the boulders. Adderpaw's eyes grew huge as she heard an ear piercing shriek. "Sandpelt!" She yowled climbing up the smooth rocky surface. "Otterpaw?" She asked as the brown tom bit Sandpelt in the neck. "I'm Otterclaw now." He growled. "Otterclaw... You don't have to do this..." She whispered as he stalked closer. He hissed with furry and lunged at Adderpaw claws unsheathed.

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