Chapter 16: Glorified thug

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Lucius laughed as several members of his gang punched his shoulders and back at the same time. It hurt, but it was worth it. Their adulation and respect was worth all of it. Admittedly being a bit tipsy from a not so impressive amount of wine he tried ignoring the others' attempts to shove another glass in his direction, but he soon had to give in. What kind of leader couldn't hold his liquor?

"To three years of the Shallow reapers!" Telmo boomed as she stood up and raised her glass. Lucius raised his as well at this.

"And more importantly, to three years of no fucking Ravi!"

An even louder cheer from his comrades, and Lucius thrived. He loved the sensation coursing through his body when the others showed their approval like that. He deserved his place. No one deserved to be in his spot more than him.

Things had finally turned out in his favour. He'd taken over the Offshore stalkers and Groundwater phantoms without problem, merging them into the Shallow reapers and thus expanding his territory greatly. Ravi could've never.

To the late leader's credit though, Lucius had learned what kind of ruthless behaviour was appreciated and what kind was not, and he lived by it to make sure his comrades wouldn't think of him as weak but also wouldn't think he didn't care for them.

He suddenly spotted Adrian gently waving at him from the entrance to the tavern they were in. There was no way Lucius could hear him over the loud voices surrounding him, and he could only barely discern the motion implying that he should go over there amidst the smoke and people heading back and forth between the tables and the counter.

"Looks like business calls," he told the others before standing up. They booed him in a taunting way and he playfully scrunched up his nose before heading over to the entrance, looking back to flip them all off before rushing out under loud curses thrown in his direction.

"What an exit," Adrian said as Lucius closed the door, shutting the noise out and allowing him to take a breath of fresh air.

"They like it." Lucius staggered a little as he walked and Adrian placed an arm around his waist. "Can't just disappoint my reapers by not giving them the finger."

Adrian smiled, running a hand through his dark hair. It'd grown even longer over the years, and Lucius envied it a little.

"How very generous of you."

"I guess I'm a bit of a people pleaser."

"Are you?" Adrian halted them and pulled Lucius towards him. The latter chuckled.

"Come on, I wasn't—"

He was interrupted as Adrian kissed him and he laughed through his nose, but still made sure to look around.

"Adrian, not here," he said as he pulled away, but Adrian wouldn't give up.

"You're really not gonna tell them about us?" He tilted his head to the side to kiss Lucius' neck instead, to which the latter shuddered. "They're your gang. No one's gonna boss you around for showing affection."

"They might think I'm growing soft." Lucius couldn't help but frown as more kisses were trailed down his neck and he tried pulling back a little, only to be stopped by Adrian's grasp again. "I don't have the advantage of physical strength so it's cold-hearted strategies or nothing."

Adrian clicked his tongue but didn't object further, instead pulling Lucius closer to a passage between buildings.

"Secrecy it is then, I suppose."

"Adrian, I..." Lucius closed his eyes as he was pushed gently against the cold brick wall, the warmth and pressure of Adrian's chest against his own and a hand reaching inside his shirt. "... I'm sure you haven't forgotten."

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