Chapter 21: Shallow Reapers

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They were nearing Dyris' day of light, and what a miserably dull one it would be. Lucius frowned at the gloomy sky above him as he walked through a busy street north of the town square. It was the darkest day of the year, sure, but not like that. It was supposed to be nice. A cold, snowy night but lit up by the countless lights people would decorate their houses with.

He'd loved Dyris' day as a child. He'd been allowed outside with Seth during the day to look at the decorations and buy sweets and then they'd get home to have dinner with their parents and the Ainsworths, even receiving a gift or two before bed.

Of course, his memories were stained by the tragedy like always. Even Dyris' day, and was he really allowed to celebrate it after his pact anyway?

Conflicted feelings entered his mind like they always did at the thought of Dyris. He'd betrayed her. He'd offered his soul to a Scourge of The Waste right in front of her in the sanctuary. It was unforgivable, and no matter how the Scourge tried to shove those thoughts away Lucius always felt bad at the thought of her. He'd worshipped her and he'd trusted her to look after him, but he'd betrayed her.

Not like she ever did anything for me though.

He couldn't be sure, but given his past experiences he certainly had to question her involvement in his life.

A market stand full of neatly arranged necklaces caught his eye, and he paused to look at it while chewing on his lip. Would gifts for the Reapers be a good idea? He didn't usually buy them anything, seeing how Lorenzo was an Ilevishan and therefore certain Archons didn't exist and Telmo thought gift exchanges were unnecessary. The rest just didn't care much so they just celebrated at a tavern or similar, but perhaps some might appreciate it after all. It could serve as a bribe for what happened the other day if he was lucky. Expensive, certainly, but possibly worth it.

Necklaces weren't their thing though, aside from Lorenzo, but there was a chance he wouldn't accept gifts so Lucius would have to think of something else. Perhaps a gift for all of them instead of individual ones.

He looked around at the different, colourful market stands. What kind of frivolous spending would his Reapers appreciate?


"Out on a gift hunt, Mr. Cromwell?"

Lucius spun around to face Anthony, who'd made the unwise choice of only wearing a thin coat in the disappointing weather, and Lucius wouldn't even begin to acknowledge the misfortunate combination of his hair and the humidity outside.

Before he knew it he'd smiled at him, which seemed odd. He hadn't meant to.

"Lord Hargreaves? Speaking to me in broad daylight?" He tilted his head, donning a cocked eyebrow and a grin. "Am I hallucinating?"

Anthony shook his head, not without glancing around.

"Well, with your last name out in the open I—"

"But it's not." Lucius leaned in close. "You're not that daft. I told you Lucius and Cromwell are to be separated."

"And I think it's a mistake."

Lucius clicked his tongue, deciding against arguing further on the subject. He didn't actually want Anthony to stop talking to him.

"What about you, Lord Hargreaves?" he asked instead. "Are you all done with gift purchases?"

"I am, actually." Anthony combed through his hair, a wrinkle forming between his eyebrows as he likely noticed the frizz Lucius had tried so desperately to ignore. "I don't have a whole lot of people to buy gifts for in the first place."

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