Chapter 24: Off to East Kerilia

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The discomfort wouldn't stop even as Lucius had safely gotten out of the Entrails area. He would've thought it'd be fine. The market wasn't even that close to the Hydrina theatre, but he couldn't shake it. He'd barely set foot there since that awful day. He'd always sent his Reapers when there was business in the Entrails.

As if the smells weren't nauseating in themselves the memories attached amplified them to such a sickening degree Lucius tried hard to only breathe through his mouth. He did his best to avoid eye contact with the malnourished beggars and streetwalkers, knowing the guilt of finally being better off would be gutting and he didn't even have plans on giving them anything.

Charitable Ilara would've been the last Archon to be associated with him.

The worst part of his trip however, was the children. Starving, freezing, and so much like how he'd used to be. Him and the girls. They even used the elevated gangways between the buildings, and Lucius' eyes narrowed as his chest stung.

Why had he insisted on being able to handle it?

He traced his fingers against the vials in his pockets with a barely audible sigh. Tom could've handled going to buy that bloody paralysing mush he loved so much on his own, but Lucius just had to be stubborn, didn't he?

A movement in the corner of his eye caused him to flinch, but as he turned his head he could see nothing.

"Better not be another Scourge cat," he muttered, remembering the last time he'd been running around the Entrails.


The pain in his chest faded immediately, and Lucius turned around with a smile at the sound of Anthony's voice.

"Lord Hargreaves!" He raised his hand in a light wave as Anthony walked down the stairs connecting to the elevated parts of town. "Out and about as always. I thought you had a meeting?"

"I did, but it ended early so I figured I'd take a walk." Anthony ran a hand through his hair, which had gone from frizzy rain style to dry, lightly static style.

Lucius hummed.

"So first off, why are you never dressed enough for the weather?" He gestured at Anthony's usual light coat and compared it to his own proper coat and cape. "And second, it seems like you have time for a lot of walks. Are you all just lazing about at the meetings?"

"We're effective," Anthony defended himself as he began walking next to Lucius. "And I like to take time for walks."

Lucius looked around with a frown.

"Even around The Entrails?"

"Well, yes. I actually have a look at the market now and then, should there be something interesting."

Lucius lifted his chin as he remembered.

"Ah, right... And ruining business for that arsenic-selling man."

"What?" Anthony turned his head to look at him and Lucius paled. That part had been before he met Anthony as himself, hadn't it? Back when he'd lived on the streets.

"Uh, I..." What would he say? It was too specific to have guessed. "... I think it was Tom who told me?"

Anthony stared at him for a moment longer, but then turned his head to look forward again.


Lucius pursed his lips. Why was he so careless sometimes? Then again, would there be a problem if he talked to Anthony about his past? Not all of it of course, but after everything that had happened Lucius had a feeling Anthony wasn't of the judgemental kind.

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