Chapter 17

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August POV

I was headed to Complex early this Tuesday morning. I had smoked two L's before leaving. I wasn't feeling like myself and I wanted to calm my nerves.

I reached the music department, walking up towards Mrs. Robison desk.

"Morning lady" I smiled

"Morning sugar, here for your appointment right ?"

"Yes mam"

"Good ill buzz her, but in the mean time you can start heading to conference room number 2"

I nodded my head and started to walk towards the conference room, Audrey's door was closed. She was either in there or in the conference room.

As I turned the corner into the conference room, I saw a short woman, with beautiful chocolate skin tone shuffling through papers.

"'Cuse me" I knocked on the door.

"Oh! you're here" she flashed a bright smile.

"Yeah, I am... Who is you?" I asked puzzled by her presence.

"Oh sorry Mr.Alsina, I'm Nakisha, Audrey 'sometime' assistant" She stuck her hand out for me to shake.

I shook her hand and smiled.

"So Audrey is here but she's taking a conference call with double xl, I was told to prep you in the meantime" she smiled.

The thought of double xl right now made me cringe. She was on the phone with that busta ass clown, talking shit. He probably telling her bullshit, talking a weak ass game. But that weak ass game got him some ass. I cringed at the sound, thought and accuracy of that shit happening. She just gave it up to him no fucking effort ? I shook off my thoughts and pulled a seat to sit.

"Okay, Mr.Alsina, as you may or may not know you have the right to stop the interview process whenever you want or need a break. I am currently recording you, for copyright and Audrey's sake. Anything you do not want recorded or repeated just say OFF THE RECORD, anything that is off topic or has nothing to do with the question at hand is also deemed off the record. Anything you find too personal and don't want answered or recorded, you can also say off the record. That is your right as an client"
Nakisha restated shit I already knew.

"So, do you consent ?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I do" I said as I slouched in my seat.

"Okay so we may begin"

"Wait, so you're not waiting for Audrey?" I asked puzzled.

"Yes for a minute or two"

"Okay" I nodded my head.

"Well last time you were here, you guys stopped at the point about your brother dying and how that impacted you"

I nodded and she smiled.

"So, please tell me,did your brothers passing influence you to do music? Or to continue with the music?" Nakisha asked with a pen in hand.

"Sorry I'm late" Audrey voice interrupted my train of thought.

"Did I miss anything ?" She walked over to Nakisha and didn't even glance my way.

"No just starting where you left off last time" Nakisha answered.

"Okay" she took a seat next to Nakisha

"Can you repeat the question Nakisha"

"I asked did his brother's passing influence him to do music? Or to continue with the music?"

Mr. AlsinaWhere stories live. Discover now