Just a quick note( not a chapter)

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       Ok hi guy you know it's me ( crazycatgirl20) now I know some of you don't like the idea of authors note but just let me speak. You see my/ Astrid's story is coming to an end, I'm thinking 12 chapters to 15 chapters ( real chapters).

       But I do have some good news to you who like or even love this story, so don't be sad. I giving you guys a challenge, so I'll do another story about Astrid but later in time like 20/30 years. The one thing is that I will only do it if I get 100 likes or if you guy really encourage me to do it.

      Well thanks people of watt pad for reading this story and like I said another story about Astrid, if you just take my challenge. If you don't I'm fine, bye guys talk to you later and please keep reading. Bye😀

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