Chapter 4

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"Let's gooooooo, Luke!" Rose calls. "Yeah! I don't wanna be late!" I add. Luke runs down the steps and out the door. I grab his bag and mine and follow him. "Bye mom!" We call.

I hop in the driver's seat of my brand new gray Kia Soul. I toss Luke's backpack to him. I turn the keys and the car purrs to life. "My baby," I sigh happily. "Too bad Zander can't take us anymore," Luke says from the backseat. "Yeah, but now I have my own car!" I smile into the review mirror.

We head to the elementary school, a short drive from the school. "Bye guys! Love you! Mom will pick you up." I call as they get out. I turn up the radio and roll down the windows when I get out of the parking lot. "I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed!" I sing. I pray that the rest of the day will be this good.


I pull into my designated parking space and see Tyler and Zander waiting for me. "Your makeup is perfect today girl!" Tyler yells. I smile at her goofiness.

I look around, and Dakota is nowhere to be found. So I ask where she is. "Um...she's sick. Which probably means she went to a party last night and got drunk." I roll my eyes at Tyler's answer. I love Dakota, but sometimes she is so stupid.

We walk into the school and Zander spots his basketball buddies. "Hey man!" Adam, a dangerous (and obviously super hot) player says. "And Payton," he winks. I blush and continue walking to my locker. To my surprise, Adam pulls away from his friends and follows me.
"Hey," he says, looking at me.
"Hi..." I reply.
"Can I walk you to class?"
"Uh. Sure...I guess." I look around and find that Tyler has left me alone with Adam.

I open my locker and get out my history book. Adam takes it and puts it on his things. "Thank you," I mutter, not used to this kind of attention at all. "Of course," he grins as I close my locker. I start to walk and he grabs my hand. "Can I hold your hand? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
"Um. I guess." My hand starts to sweat. Crap.

We reach my class and he hands my things back. "Thanks again, Adam," I say, fidgeting. "No problem. See you at lunch? You should sit at my table." He talks so confidently. How is he so calm and collected? I say I will think about it and walk into my class. I smile at Mr. Heet and take my seat in the back row.

The bell rings and he starts another one of his famous lectures. I look out the window and ponder Adam's question. I know he is dangerous, but I can handle myself. I won't fall for his tricks. I hope...


After my 4th hour class, art, I head to my locker to put my books away. 27-19-30. I swing open the door. My books are tossed in the small compartment and I shut the door.

Suddenly, I feel an arm around my waist. I jump and pull away. I turn to see Adam standing there smirking. I reach up and smack him.
"You scared me! I almost punched you."
"Yeah, right. Now that you know it's me...," he replaces his arm and starts to walk. He asks me if I've decide where I'm sitting yet. "I'll sit with you." I blush. He smirks and we turn into the cafeteria.

As we stand in the lunch line, I realize I will be leaving Tyler all alone at our table. I voice my concern, and Adam says she can sit with us too. So, with my tray in hand, I grab Tyler and pull her with us to the cool kid table. She is shocked, but I whisper in her ear, "At least you can cross this off your bucket list." She giggles and we look around.

So this is what it's like to be cool? All the hot guys sit here. All the pretty girls sit here. Wow. I wave at Zander, as this is his regular table. I look at Adam and he smirks. He smirks a lot. "Like it here, babydoll?" I blush. What...? "Babydoll?" Tyler asks, just as Zander snorts. Milk flies out of his nose, but I hardly notice. Babydoll?!? I shudder. Maybe this was a bad idea.

I mentally pray for strength and that I will be able to resist his charms. Under the table, a hand rests on my thigh. Adam whispers in my ear that he's sorry if he embarrassed me. I smile uncomfortably and shift slightly so his hand drops. Unfortunately, he notices, and his hand returns, but further up my leg. I try to ignore him, but he is burning a hole through my jeans.

His friends carry on, joking and tossing food back and forth. I try to play along, occasionally laughing. I even make a fry in Tyler's mouth. But when I make up the excuse that I have to go to the bathroom, Zander follows. I sigh as his arm goes around my shoulder. That's the thing. I can fool everyone, Tyler, Dakota, my parents, the entire human population. But not Zander. He always knows when something is bothering me.

So I explain my doubts with Adam. He doesn't interrupt. "Pay, if you don't trust him, is it really worth it?" I shake my head and take a deep breath. "But he's the first guy who's showed an interest in me. Ever. You know that."

Follow your heart. You'll make the right choice," he says. "Okay...hey...youth group is on Wednesday. Are you coming?"
"Anything for you PayPay." I roll my eyes at the stupid name.

We walk back into the cafeteria together and go to the table. The bell rings right when we sit down. I laugh and stand back up. Adam tells me he wants to talk to me.

He leads me to a side hallway that is always deserted. The butterflies in my stomach wake up immediately. He stops and leans against the wall. "So...," I say to break the silence. He grabs my hands and gently folds them in his own. "You are so hot, Payton," he says softly. He leans his head closer and puts his lips near my ear. "I really like you."

His mouth hits my ear, and I freeze. His lips move to my neck, and he pulls me closer. He kisses me and slowly moves his way up to my mouth. I try to pull away. Why is he doing this?! As he kisses me, his hands wander. I jerk away before he goes any father.

I back up and shake my head furiously. "No, I'm sorry. Don't ever do that again." I turn and walk away. I go to my locker while tears blur my vision. I get my books, and as I walk to my next class, I take deep breaths to calm myself. The bell rings and I walk faster.

By the time I walk into Spanish, my vision has cleared, and I feel calmer. Señorita Hoard looks confused as I take my seat. I'm never late to class. I mouth and apology and she nods. A moment later, Adam walks in and sits behind me. Of all the seats..."You're late," Señorita says, irritated. "It won't happen again," Adam promises. We are talking about Panamá, and I focus on the lesson.

About twenty minutes later, I feel hands on my waist. "Hey, babydoll," I hear in my ear. I shiver at his proximity. He chuckles and kisses my neck. I scoot as far forward as I can in my seat.

Señorita says we will be doing a group project due Friday. She happily announces that she picked our partners. "Lily and Josiah...Hannah and Liam...Adam and Payton..." I cringe as she says my name after his. "Looks like we'll be in contact even more," I feel his breath on my neck. I spin around and am nose-to-nose with him. "Quit." He closes the distance and kisses me hard. I pull away and sigh. "Why me?" I ask, genuinely curious. "You're hot." I scoff at his vague answer. "Right..."

This is going to be a long week.


Yo. Thank you guys. Like seriously! Thanks so much.

Have a good day! :)

~Meghan ♥

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