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"YOU TOLD HER!" the doctor screamed at the nurse.



The nurse was so upset, she fell to the floor crying.

Melody was in shock at what the nurse told her. All she could do was think "They're all dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. All dead." over and over again.

Its been another week in the hospital, she hadn't cried a single tear. In fact, she hadn't talked to anyone except the nurse. She was happy someone told her the truth. The nurse also told her the details of what would happen to her after she left.

The next day DHS came, "I'm Mr. Stanley, I'll be managing your case." Melody nods in approval.

"I looked at your relatives and I'm sorry to tell you, but there's no one who can take care of you." he told her.

"But we can send some paperwork to the orphanage, so people can look at it while you're here." Melody nods in approval.

"Alright, we're gonna fill out some paperwork, so they can get an idea of what you're like." he explained.

Melody obliged to this and he asked all the questions he needed to know about her, and she answered. Then he sent them off and after a few days everything was official. And finally Melody was allowed visitors.

"It's about time they let me see you." Fay cheered, as she closed the door behind her.

Fay was this beautiful dark skinned girl with this amazing naturally curly hair. She pulled up a chair and sat down next to the bed.

"How do you feel?" she started the conversation.

"Alright, in about two to three weeks they'll take off the casts. After that I go to physical therapy for two weeks." Melody informed her.

"Damn, girl!" she responed.

"Tell me about it! I've done nothing but watch TV and eat." Melody complained.

"Sorry about that." Fay scratched her head "And sorry about your family." she apologized.

Melody's eyes sadden deeply, almost in tears. Fay notices it and hugs her, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have mentioned it." Melody hugs her back.

"Everyone's praying for you to get better." Fay sat back down.

"Really?" Melody questioned.

"Yeah, now that you are allowed visitors your probably gonna get a lot of stuff." Fay grinned at her.

"I really doubt that." Melody rose her eyebrows up then down.

"Oh, come on." Fay shook her head.

"I mean, no one really knows I exist." Melody was shaking her head.

"Well, they do now." Fay grinned.

"What do you mean?" Melody was confused.

"It was all over the news, in the paper, and the Internet. The guy that ran into you guys, knocked down ten power lines!" Fay said in astonishment.

"Holy crap." Melody was dumbfounded.

"Hey, do you know where my family was buried?" Melody had been wondering about this a little while after she found out.

"Didn't they tell you?"

"No, the hospital doesn't get information like that. So, when I asked they couldn't tell me."

"Sorry, but I couldn't find out either. I tried, but it was a private burial. I wanted to put flowers on their graves for you. So the only people who would know, would be your grandparents." Melody sighs to Fay's explanation.

"Thank you for trying." Melody smiled.

During the last two weeks Melody has received balloons, "Get well!" cards, one of them was giantic and signed by students of the school, and multiple visits from Fay and her grandparents. Sadly, her grandparents could only visit once, because they live too far to come more. But they told her where they were buried, and her phone so they could stay in touch.

It was finally time for the casts to come off! Melody has been longing for this, she was ready to free her leg! Though the process of them sawing off the cast did scare her.

"How them muscle relaxers treating you?" the nurse asked, while checking the monitors.

"Good, sleepy." Melody responded, groggy.

"That's good. The doctor will be coming in, and he wants to discuss some things with you, okay?"

"What things exactly?" Melody said, kind of silly like.

"Your therapy and stuff."


About ten minutes later......

"Ms.Carter, I have scheduled not only your physical therapy, but some emotional therapy as well. So, between physical therapy, you will be seeing Mrs. Taylor Reed. She's a therapist that works in the hospital."

Melody nods agreeing to his therapy sessions. Though some thoughts began to run through her head.

"Hmm. Therapy. What exactly do you even talk about at therapy? Oh my God, this is the same episode that just played! Ugh. I know feelings and problems, but anyone would understand my situation. Oh dear God, I'm crying again. I just wish I could visit their graves at the least."

"It'll be okay." the nurse rubs her shoulder.

She sighs and decides that all she wants to do right now is cry her heart out. Being at this hospital has made her feel imprisoned, by the sadness she feels, and the smiles she's been given, for the only one's she wants to see are of those she loves.

After the scary experience with the cast, the staff left and she cried till she fell asleep. She hears faint talking. No, more like someone's calling her name.

"Melody........Melody." she turns and sees Fay grinning away.

"About time you wake up sleepy head." Fay poking her.

"Good Lord, I didn't realize I fell asleep." she pushed Fay's hand away.

"Guess what?" Fay's face was ecstatic.

"What?" she yawned.

"I convinced my mom to put your belongings in her storage room!" Fay smiled like a five year old, who just got a cookie that was almost too large for her hands.

Melody giggles with an accent of ridiculousness in it.

"I've done forgotten all about my stuff." she shakes her head.

"Well, we didn't just get your stuff. We also got some of your parents' stuff and your brother's too." Fay mentions.

"Hey! Hey! Don't cry!" Fay reached her hands out toward her.

Melody suddenly grabs her and hugs her tightly.

"Th-thank yo-ou!" she sobs.

"You're welcome." Fay embraces the hug.

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