Chapter 1

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Rocky squealed in pain as his owner hit him again and again. There was blood coming off of the scratches, but his owner held his muzzle so he couldn't breathe.
Everything hurt.
"S-Stop it!" Rocky cried when he finally let go.
His owner smirked.
"I'll never stop. You're mine, and nobody else's. I'll treat you how I wanna treat you, even if you like it or not."
He picked Rocky up and carried him to the bathtub, which was full of water. The pup's eyes went wide.
The man smirked again.
"Don't bother screaming," then added lowly, "no one cares."
Then he held the pup's face underwater.

"GAH!!" Rocky yelled, waking up from his dream and hitting his head on his puphouse in the process.
Chase, the police pup of the team, had heard his shriek and was walking over.
"Hey, Rocky. You okay?"
Rocky sighed, even though his heart sped up a beat at the sight of the other pup.
"Yeah..." He replied. "I'm okay."
Chase sat down in front of him.
"Bad dream?"
"The same one?"
Chase sighed, shaking his head.
"How come you don't wanna talk about it?"
Rocky put his head on his paws in deep thought. How was he gonna put this?
"It's hard," he replied. "This dream....actually happened. It was....really bad."
Chase cocked his head. Rocky loved how cute he looked when he did that.
"That bad, huh?"
Rocky nodded, his brown eyes looking down. Chase's heart swelled up with love for him. He loved those eyes.
"Well," the police pup said as he stood up, "you can tell me when you're ready if you want."
Rocky nodded and smiled, making them both blush for no reason.
"Thanks. I will."

Chase stalked off in pursuit of his best friend. He found him washing his truck as usual, something he always did in his free time.
"Hey, Marshall!" Chase called.
The Dalmatian turned around and smiled at the sight of his best friend.
"Hey, Chase! What's up with?"
"I need some advice," he replied. "You got a minute?"
Marshall nodded sand turned the hose off.
"I'm all ears. What's up?"
Chase inhaled deeply, and let it out.
"I think I'm in love with Rocky."
Marshall's eyes lit up in surprise, and he smiled.
"Seriously? That's great! I'm so happy for you!"
Chase grinned. At least he understood.
"And then there's this other thing," he continued. "Rocky' been having a bad dream for awhile now and he refuses to tell me about it. What do I do?"
Marshall cocked his head in thought.
"Well," he began. "First off, when you feel the time is right, tell Rocky that you like him. If he doesn't like you, just give him some time, and then let him come to you. Secondly, Rocky'll tell you about this dream when he's ready. He might be scared and is trying to work up the courage to say something. Just give him some time, Chase. It'll be cool."
Chase smiled and nodded. He understood.
"Thanks buddy," he said.
Marshall grinned.
The two shared a hug before Chase stalked off again, this time, in the pursuit of Zuma.
Maybe Rocky's best friend knew something that nobody else did.

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