Chapter 6

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Chase drove the vehicle back home, Rocky leaning against his shoulder. Chase smiled, despite himself and the situation they were in. The police pup pulled the car up to the lookout, and Rocky growled. Chase squeezed his paw gently.
"Don't worry, Rocky," he whispered. "I'm here to protect you."
Rocky nodded slowly. Chase pulled his paw away and sighed deeply.
"Stay in the car. Duck down. I'll be take him to jail."
Chase casually walked inside the lookout, not looking scared at all. The door slid shut. Rocky ducked down and waited.
He heard some snarls from Chase, some angry barks, and then he heard a slap.
And a yelp of pain.
Rocky gasped. He had hit Chase. Then, there was a different, furious, dangerous snarl from another pup, and Rocky's eyes widened.
He heard the fire pup growl loudly, and then, a yelp of pain from the person he hated more than water. A minute later, Chase appeared, dragging him in a net. Chase shooed Rocky out of his car, put the abuser in it, and drove off to the Adventure Bay Prison. Rocky's jaw dropped when Marshall walked out, little splashes of blood on his muzzle. Ryder was scolding him.
"You know better than to do something like that!" Ryder was saying. "What were you thinking, Marshall?!"
"Ryder, he hurt Chase! I wasn't just going to let it happen!"
"He was big and strong, Marshall! He could have seriously injured you! Do you how any idea how worried I would be if that happened?!"
Marshall's ears drooped.
"I was just protecting Chase!" He protested. "Isn't that what I'm supposed to do s a member of this team? To lend a paw whenever help is needed?"
"You. Could've. Died."
"So could've Chase! And Rocky! Are you forgetting what he did to him?!"
The angry look on Ryder's face softened. He sighed, and pay the fire pup on the head.
"You're right," he said quietly. "Sorry...but, I don't like it when people hurt my pups."
Ryder walked back into the lookout, and Rocky walked up to the Dalmatian.
"What exactly did you do?" Rocky asked.
Marshall shrugged.
"I bit that jerk. Hard."
Marshall scoffed.
"He hurt you and he hurt Chase. I wasn't gonna let him do that again."
"But...why did you do it?"
Marshall cocked his head.
"He hurt my friends. Why wouldn't I?"
Marshall walked off to his fire truck, to get the blood off his face and teeth. Rocky could only watch him go. He heard a siren in the distance, and his heart swelled up with love.
Thank you, Chase. For everything.

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