7:30 A. M.

17 1 0

To the man that I will always love,

We lead different lives, you and I. You came from the north and I came from the south. But somehow we found a way to meet in the middle. You're an optimist, while I'm quite the opposite. But somehow we find ways to get along. You seem to know where you're going, while I'm forever lost in my thoughts. But somehow we managed to go somewhere only we know.

And there in the middle, two very different people became one. Two hearts beat as one. Two souls ever so linked like the strongest of chains. Your sweetest of dreams was a balm for my worst nightmares. And through my reality, your dreams came to life.

I realized that no matter how far apart we maybe, I still have hope. We walk the same earth, we breathe the same air. And when at night we look up and see the same bright star. As long as we're alive, I still have a chance to love you, and you loving me back.

I loved you once, I love you still, always have... And always will,

The girl who loves you most,

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