Chapter 21

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Luke's p.o.v.

We've all been sitting here for about two hours, just silently waiting. One part of me grevincing over the fact Bailey's in the hopstial, and the other hoping she'll wake up.

"We can't sit here forever" Ashton reminds us quietly. "We made a commitment to do this tour and we need to follow threw with it"

"I just want to stay a little longer" I tell him.

"You said that an hour ago Luke"

"I don't want to leave her"

"She'll be okay man don't worry" Calum tells me patting my back.

"And if she's not? If she just dies and I'm not even here to look at her one last time?"

"She's not going to die"

"You don't know that"

"But I'd like to think she's not, so I know she won't. You guys should get going before management rips your heads off, there already mad at me as it is."

"Yeah, alright." I softly say getting up and walking over to Bailey. I look at her pale bruised face, and gently push her hair behind her ear. I feel tears begin to brim my eyes once again. "Hang in there princess, you can get through this" I croak, gently kissing her forehead, and walking away.

"Are you ready to go?" Ashton asks me picking up his phone.

"Yeah I'm ready, McKenzie, Cal, I'll see you guys soon. Be safe okay?"

"Yeah okay" McKenzie nods. "You too Luke"

I walk out with Ashton, and Michael shutting the door behind me.

"So listen...I'm sorry we didn't believe you about Shylean man" Ashton sighs. "Why would she just make up something like that?"

"Because she wants me and my money, and I wasn't giving in. She wanted me to lie to you all and say we were together just so she could mooch off of me. Now everyone thinks I'm going to be a fucking dad" I sigh and begin walking away.

"Luke you do realize she's an idiot right? When nine months have passed and there's no baby Hemmings being born then everyone will know she lied" Michael points out.

"She seems pretty crazy, I wouldn't be surprised if she actually went out and got pregnant" Ashton sighs.

"Okay then we get a paternity test. There's no way she's going to win this"

"So what do I do? Go the next nine months when people thinking I'm having a kid? My mum is going to kill me!"

"Just tell her the truth"

"She probably won't believe me, you guys didn't."

"But now we all know the truth, we can prove it to her."

"Michael why are you even trying to help me?"

"Listen Luke I know you and I have been having some major bumps in the road over Bailey, but we're best friends. At times like this we need to put everything behind us, because all of this is only going to get harder for all of us. Now if you're willing to forget about everything I think we can get through all of this together, like the family we use to be. Deal?" He asks sticking out his hand. I look down at it and connect our hands together nodding my head.

"Deal. Now hug me you guys" I sigh wrapping my arms around Ashton, and Michael.

"Were all going to get through this, we've done it before. Bailey's going to wake up, Shealyn is going to be exposed for the psycho she is, and we're all going to be okay" Ashton smiles patting me on the back. "Now let's get going" we walk out of the hospital as the cold wind hits my face. I look up at the sky, and see dark clouds moving in.

"It looks like it's going to storm." Michael tells us.

"She hates storms" I mumble to myself kicking at the ground.

"She's not even going to notice it mate" Ashton laughs.

"Can't you still hear everything going on even when you're in a coma? What if she hears it but can't move and gets so scared that she has a heart attack in her sleep!"

"Luke you worry to much. That won't happen"

"But it could! Maybe we should go back"

"Calum, and McKenzie are in there okay? She'll be just fine"

"Yeah" I breath shaking my head "Yeah you're right"

We continue walking to the bus when our two security guards spot us leading us inside.

"Luke you said you'd take five minutes not five hours." Guss sighs "Were going to be so late. You guys are in deep shit, management is not to pleased."

"Well they're just going to have to deal with it. What are they going to do fire us? We make their money, they need us."

"That doesn't mean they're not going to scold you! First Calum leaving the tour early, to the pregnancy scandal and now this?"

"You act like we planned all of this" I sigh taking a seat "Everything's going to play out alright? There's no need to worry"

"I sure as hell hope you're right kid" he says walking off.

"Well, he took that well" Ashton laughs sitting down next to me "Oh and here's your phone, someone's been calling you"

"Thanks" I say taking my phone from him. I look down at it and see Shealyn is calling me, wonderful. "What the hell could you possibly want?" I angrily snap answering the phone.

"Well that's no way to greet the future mother of your child. For names I was thinking Luke junior, has a ring to it doesn't it?"

"You're fucking sick"

"I warned you, you underestimated me and now you're in the shit hole because of it"

"Listen here Shealyn. You can mess with me all you fucking want but now the people I care about are getting involved. You can fuck with me but I will not let you hurt them in the process. This baby thing is the most pathetic thing you'll probably ever, and I mean ever try to pull. I can take your ass down in a second, and have you throw in jail for this. You'll see your little plan fall into pieces right in front of your face. You think you're the one who's been underestimated? You just wait."

Sorry guys I don't really feel good so this was kinda shit. Love you though ❤

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