Chapter 58

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Bailey's p.o.v

"Married? Oh no no no" Liz sarcastically laughs shaking her head. "There's no way I'm allowing you to get married."

"I'm of age, it's no longer your decision."

"Luke how long have you known this girl?"

"Almost four months..."

"You think that's a sufficient amount of time to get to know someone? Luke you're insane!"

"You and dad knew each other for a month and a half before you got married!"

"Yes and look at how that turned out!"

"You sound like Bailey! Why can't you just let me be happy? God it's like you're all becoming her, you're all so selfish!" I can't just listen to him go on anymore. My blood begins to boil, and I find myself snatching the phone from Liz.

"Were selfish?" I snap. "Because running off, and leaving the people who care about you a wreck for three months isn't selfish? Coming up with a plan to home wreck a relationship isn't selfish? Disrespecting your mother is considered cordial, right? Lying through your teeth everytime something doesn't go your way isn't selfish, right Luke? I've been waiting for you to come back so we can fix things. I don't want to fight anymore! I want us to be the way we were before! I've been working on myself for months so I can finally be the person I think you deserve, and you have the audacity to call me selfish? You know what Luke? Come back or don't come back, I don't care anymore. Have fun playing house with your fiancé." I hang up the phone, slamming it down onto the counter. I begin to calm myself down when I look up remembering the people around me. "Sorry guys" I mumble pushing my bangs out of my face.

"You're fine, that must've been hard for you. You know hearing from him after so long, and knowing that he's engaged." Ashton sighs. "I can't believe it myself really"

"Luke's going trough a phase." Calum reassures rolling his eyes. "He's just being dramatic."

"He sounds pretty serious Calum" Liz says crossing her arms.

"That's absolute shit." He scoffs. "How many times has Luke given Bailey the "You'll always be the only girl I love speech"? There's no way he's over her, he's obsessed with her!"

"Obviously not Calum. He's moved on with his life. Let's face it...We've all been replaced."

"Please. This is the same guy who cried over you for ten months straight, you really think he's over you?"

"Obviously, he's getting married!"

"You're all so naive" Calum laughs shaking his head. "Just wait. Luke's going to come back soon. His little "fiancé" is going to be back in America with his dad. With you around, and her gone he'll fall in love with you all over again. Not that he ever stopped. Everything's going to go back to normal."

"I don't think so this time Cal."

"Didn't you say the same thing about Shealyn? He will never, and I repeat never get over you, it's a simple fact Bai."

"Sorry, but I'm agreeing with Cal on this one" Ashton comments.

"Whatever we shouldn't even worry about that. Let's just worry about him getting home safe."

"What I don't understand is how us, millions of teenage girls, police, and family have all been looking for Luke, and no one could spot him in plain sight. How is that even possible?"

"I have no clue, but we know where he is, and we know he's safe. That's all that matters." I tell her, and Calum glares at me. "What?" I question.

"You just told him you didn't care if he came back, now you're all glad that he's okay?"

"I was just mad Calum"

"You two have the most fucked up relationship" he mumbles irritated.

"Yes because the abusive relationship you've got goin on with your baby mama is what we call normal?"

"Let it go Bailey! I was drunk! How many times has Michael put his hands on you? Luke? For fucks sake a man tried to rape you, so don't make me seem like the worst guy in the world when you've fucked around with plenty!"

I go silent, and look down at the ground. "I'm sorry" I softly say. "I'm just going to go home, I'll see you guys later" I begin walking away, and Calum quickly gets up stopping me.

"Don't go, I'm sorry. I know that stuff was hard for you...I shouldn't have brought it up."

"It's fine, I started it." I sigh going in for a hug.

"There is no more "I started it"" He mumbles against my shoulder. "No one should be starting anything, we're suppose to be there for each other. Alright?"

"Yeah, alright" I nod, and he smiles ruffling my hair.

"Oh I got a text from Luke!" Liz announces. "He says he plans on being home Christmas eve. He'll spend the holiday with us then go on tour. After that he's heading back with...Candy? And they're getting married in the fall."

"Not if we can help it they're not, Bailey you better have your a game ready because you need to snap this kid out of it."

"Alright, when we're all on tour I'll work things out. He can break the news to what's her face, and everything will fall into place."

"One slight problem with that says here that he's brining her along."

"Well that's it" I scoff throwing up my arms. "Were not going to be able to fix this"

"What if we could?" Ashton smirks.

"What do you mean?"

"We need to do what we're best at...come up with a plan."


"I say this calls for a Jelous Yet 2.0"


Some people will never learn. Smh.

Chances -Sequel to Jealous Yet-Where stories live. Discover now