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Another annoying day was here, Tsuna took off his bandages and walked to school. He was really early, courtesy of Reborn crashing around Kakeru's room making the tuna unable to sleep, so he could take his time for now. As he reached the school he walked to the empty class and went into his email through his phone.

Another job.

He read the name of the sender and his eyes widened.


He opened it and read through.

Dear 27,

I have heard from my humble allies that you are dependable, and that you have access to any data. Therefore I will ask of you to become one of my allies. It is your choice to agree or not. I await a positive response.

Regards, Vongola Nono.

Tsuna smirked. This was a golden chance. If he was in the Vongola he'd receive more money and more jobs worth his time. But of course, he should turn it down.

First of all, what on earth would he do if they found his identity? They would tell him to be the Decimo instead! No freaking way.

However nonetheless it is still a good chance. But how would he be an ally without them knowing his identity?

Grumbling he looked around and noted there was no one was around. He dialed a familiar number.

"Red51, contact Cielo." he went straight to the point.

"Cielo? Why? He's somewhere on the surface on the planet, impossible to trace." the voice on the other end sighed.

"Tracking Device." Tsuna said matter-of-fact-ly.

"But wouldn't he have found it and threw it away already?" Red51 asked. "He's a sharp kid."

"I made him swallow it." Tsuna said, as if it was obvious.

"Wait WHAT? You made him SWALLOW it? He's still a kid for god's sake!" Red51 freaked, "Ow ow, my stomach..."

"Problem?" Tsuna asked, as if nothing was wrong.

"N-no..." Red51 mumbled, sweatdropping.

"So where is he?" Tsuna went back to the main point.

"My GPS just told me he's in Italy." Red51 answered, clicking away at his computer so fast T suna could hear the tapping over the phone.

"Tell him to get back by tomorrow." Tsuna said.

"Okay...AND TOMORROW?" 51 freaked.

"By the end of the week."

"Today's Thursday, 27!" 51 tried but was cut off by Tsuna who hung up.

Tsuna had turned off the phone and continued staring off to space. Cielo's just a kid, actually he's not much younger than himself. But even he himself can't deny that Cielo is a good hacker.

It was about time for the little brother of Sawada Kakeru to meet that annoying brocon. It's been five years, after all.

[I wonder how Sora is doing...Cielo should be twelve now, so Sora should be...five?]


Irie Shouichi shut his phone off, sighing. "27 is a troublesome sadist...he'll really give me a serious stomachache one of these days..."

He dialed another number. "Cielo, 27 requested you come back to Namimori, pronto."

It was silent until another voice burst out.


"I think my left eardrum popped." Irie sighed. "If you didn't register it 27 wants you back by Saturday."

"B-But! What about Sora?" the voice cried.

"You'll just have to bring him along, I guess. I'm sure Sora would be happy to meet 27." Irie suggested, "I don't really want you guys popping by Japan now, either."

"B-But it's dangerous to involve Sora in all this!" he panicked.

"I'm sure 27 will take responsibility for that." Irie sighed louder, "Just come over."


"27's going to be mad." Irie cut him off.


"Just because he's mute doesn't mean he can't lecture you." Iris cut him off again.




Hearing the phonecall cut off just made him cry more. Nevertheless he turned to his little five year old brother, a little albino-haired beauty with caramel orange eyes. If he didn't know better, he would've thought the little one was a girl, as his hair stretched down to his shoulders.


The younger albino turned to the older. The older had the same white hair as him, but it was shorter, and it matched with pure white eyes. The younger's hair was shorter than the older's.

"What is it, Nii-nii?" he asked, innocence filling his voice.

"We're going to Japan." the older said.

"Japan? Yay! Why are we going there, Nii-nii?" Sora cheered.

"Your older brother here just has to see a friend." said the older.

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