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"Hey, Sora! Don't touch that!" Irie cried. Sora was just innocently plucking at the wires of what seemed like a really high-tech robot.

"Hmm?" Sora tore the wire out.



"Where is this?"

Ten looked around to find himself in a somehow familiar, white landscape, with nothing but himself in the horizon. He wore the same clothes as he did before, a silver hoodie over a white t-shirt and blue jeans above sneakers.

"Long time, Ten."

He snapped his head back to see someone identical to him. Not exactly identical, because his eyes and hair were pitch black. A dark silver hoodie over a black shirt and jeans, he was almost as if a black mirrored counterpart of Ten.

"Please, don't tell me you've forgotten who I am?" He laughed. A wide Byakuran smile plastered on his face. Ten gulped. His usual cheery expression was replaced by a glare and frown.

"What on earth are you doing here..." Ten muttered.

The black one laughed again. "Well, that's my question!"

"Where on earth am I?" Ten demanded.

"I wonder?" he sang. His expression changed and he looked at Ten quite softly. "Remember last time we met?"

"It was horrible." Ten spat.

"Of course it was, Ten." he chuckled, "That's what happens when darkness delves into the light too desperately."

"Shut up, Sky." Ten snapped.

The black one, now called Sky smiled wider. "That name...I really like how that name you gave me sounds, Ten."

Ten gave no reply.

"Was that how you gave him his name too, Ten?" Sky mused, "To Sora?"

Ten was silent.

Sky walked over and flicked Ten's forehead. "Don't look at me like I almost killed you or something."

"You practically did."

"I did not!" Sky denied strongly, "Not my fault my flame consumes people!"

"Indirectly." Ten corrected himself.

"The hell was that supposed to mean?" Sky sweatdropped, "That doesn't even make sense."

"Figure out yourself." Ten growled.

"Dammit. You should know that no matter what I do, I can't kill you, y'know." Sky sighed, "So don't make me want to kill you."

"Really?" Ten asked, sarcastically.

"If I kill you, I'm dead too. Because I'm a part of you." Sky laughed.

"A part of me that's not in me." Ten spat as if it was the most disgusting thing he's ever said.

"Haha! Well then, it's my leave." Sky suddenly said, "Take care of my unawakened self on the other side!" he called.

Ten looked at Sky's retreating figure. "Your unawakened self?"

"Oh my, how could I forget. You still don't know." Sky hit himself lightly on the forehead, "How stupid of me." he muttered, but his smirk made it seem like he did it on purpose.

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