Cielo's Solo

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"Thanks for your hard work, 51." Ten said.

Irie Shouichi has never been this worn out. "Next time, I'll lock all the doors and windows in the house." he grumbled, dark cicles under his eyes so dark he was a literal walking panda.

Sora was just beaming, holding 27's hand like a little child holding his father's hand. Ten was just in doom corner somewhere because Sora didn't wanted to hold his hand.

"Bye-bye, Shou-nii!" Sora waved as they left.

"Sorry for the trouble, Shou-nii." Ten apologized with a sigh. 27 didn't say anything and continued walking.

"Something happened to him?" Irie asked.

Ten looked away. "It's just Bakakeru. After he came back half-dead from the fight with Rokudou Mukuro, he's been doing nothing but releasing his anger on Tsuna-nii... So Tsuna-nii's exhausted." Ten explained, sighing a few times in between sentences.

Irie kept silent as the three figures disappeared from his sight.


"Mukuro, why didn't you kill Bakakeru?" Ten mumbled to himself after Sora and Tsuna had fallen asleep. He was watching from the closet, just in case Bakakeru comes in at a random time. He stood up.

"Where did Mukuro even go anyway? I haven't heard from him in a while, and that itself is weird." He walked to the laptop. He placed his hand on the closed screen. He closed his eyes, and started streaming through the cyberworld.

"Mukuro's... in the Vendicare?...wait, he escaped...but he went back there again...?" He opened his eyes and punched the wall with his free hand, keeping another hand on the laptop. "That idiot! Does he like dying that much?"

Then suddenly he flinched. He looked back at the laptop. He had still been streaming through the archives, and by chance he had passed by the list of prisoner soon-to-be-s. There was a new name on it.

Ten covered his hair with the hood and glanced back at the two sleeping figures. "Sorry, Tsu-nii, Sora." He sat on the windowsill and gave a sad smile.

"I can't let your identity get blown here." He fell back and landed on the ground, the jumped to the roof, and started going somewhere.

"I'll be going."


In a musical,

A quartet is a group of four.

A trio is a group of three.

A duet is a group of two.

A solo is just one person.

Too out of topic?

Well, excuse me. I apologize greatly.

Please, do proceed.


27's missions are always beautifully completed. Just like a song, the many tunes join to create harmony. 27 is a tune of its own, nothing can match up to it, other than Cielo's accompaniment, who had watched his back this whole time.

They are the best duo that could possibly exist. 27 works alone, because 27 can only work with Cielo, and Cielo was always in Italy. However, what about Cielo?

Can someone be the accompaniment to his tune?


He stops at the Namimori Shrine, and turns around to see dark figures emerging from the dark were the Vindice. "Oozora Ten, otherwise known as Cielo." they said, "We have come to retrieve you." Chains emerged and wrapped around Ten. Ten didn't resist. Dragged into the dark mist, he sighed.

He knew he couldn't escape this. He knew he couldn't, the moment he spotted his name in the list.

However, he couldn't get 27 caught up in this. If the Vindice saw him in Tsuna's room, they would suspect him, and it will endanger Tsuna's identity. He couldn't destroy the long-lived pride of 27. He was sure 27 would just throw it off, saying it would've happened sooner or later.

He needed to help Mukuro. He needed to help Sora. He needed to help Tsuna.

The way to do that was to hack the Vindice main base. He only needed to be near the main source, the Vendicare. The simplest way to do it was to sneak in. But he can't stay long if he sneaked in, right?

The easiest way was to get caught. That way, albeit taking the risk of staying in the water prison for a long time, he could hack through the database easily. He was the only person in the world that could stream through the cyberwaves without a PC. He might die, but it would be the best job a hacker could've done.

This was Cielo's Solo.

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