Triggered Memories

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"My, my, it isn't good to lie, 27."

27 stopped in his tracks as the voice appeared. He sighed. "Rokudou, reveal yourself. I still need revenge for last time."

"Revenge? That's my line." The hetero pineapple head appeared.


"Okayyy let's start with the casuals we didn't ask last time because first thing I did was attack." Mukuro slouched on the chair, with 27 on the opposite one, giving a light nod in response. "First of all, lay off the mask, willya? Since I already know your face."

27 sighed and removed his mask.

"Now then, how's life, 27?" Mukuro beamed.

Tsuna let out a groan.

"The bastard's still bullying the tuna?" Mukuro cooed.

Tsuna let out a growl and shot him a glare.

"Maybe I should go there and punish him for you." he let out his thought.

He shook his head. "I don't need more wounds, thank you very much."

"Finally, you talked." Mukuro laughed in victory.

"Shut up!" Tsuna snapped.

"So, how about we start my revenge?" Mukuro asked, materializing his trident, wearing a more serious but still playful face.

"Don't blame me if I win again." 27 replied nonchalantly.

"Last time was just your luck." Mukuro denied.

"If you say so." 27 mumbled.


"In the end I won, eh?" 27 showed no emotion as he declared his victory.

"Shut up, brat." Mukuro groaned.

"I'm a bloody mess again." 27 whined with a monotone voice.

"Shut up, brat." Mukuro repeated.

"While you're an even bloodier mess." 27 ignored.

"I said shut up, brat! I'll win next time." Mukuro growled.

"Whatever. Be lucky I didn't kill you." 27 felt a bit happy that Mukuro gave him a reaction like that. It gave him a nice feeling.

"Brat." Mukuro groaned weakly.

"Says the ones who lost to him." 27 returned to his attitude.

"Next time I'll win." Mukuro mumbled.

"Then I'll leave this here. Hurry and heal so I can see something interesting again." 27 turned to leave.

Mukuro looked up, to find a roll of bandages and disinfectant. "Kufufufu." he laughed. "You're soft, 27. That nature of yours is seriously going to bite back at you one day."

"I'm looking forward to that day, Rokudou." Tsuna smirked.


Tsuna went back to his room, a bloody mess again. [I really wonder why he doesn't die of blood loss instead.] he secretly thought.

When he finally finished washing up he fell on his bed and fell asleep.


"27, I have a favor...can you please listen?"

It was surprising that Red51 called him out to an amusement park at night undercover, but a favor? What was so top secret it couldn't be told through phone calls, Emails or private messaging? 27 nodded lightly.

"Have you heard of the Estraneo Famiglia's experiments?" Red51 asked.

27 replied with a curt nod. "Massacred by me?"

51 nodded. "You've met Rokudou Mukuro, the one with the hetero eyes?"

27 nodded again.

"He wasn't the only one in there, that was a successful experiment subject." he broke hesitantly.

27's eyes widened. Rokudou Mukuro ended up going through Hell six times for that eye. If there was another experiment...

How would that one look?

"Rokudou Mukuro is slightly older than us, but the other one is quite a bit younger than us." 51 continued. "He ended up worse than Rokudou Mukuro."

27 gulped. He wasn't going to like this.

"I don't know how to explain, but I want you to save him. He's still held in in main Estraneo base in Italy." 51 said. "I'll make something up to cover for you while you're gone."

27 clenched his fists. There were still more of those bloody Estraneo left in this world.

"I'll give you one thousand. It's not much but I'm not capable enough to get more." 51 muttered hopefully, "Please."

"No need." 27 said. 51's eyes shot a light look of despair before 27 said, "It's free of charge."

51 brightened up. "Thank you, 27. However I warn you that the sight of that boy...won't be anything pleasant..."

27 gulped. 51 could almost sense the glare 27 was giving.

"I wish you luck, my friend." 51 bid grimly.


That was when he woke up. Tsuna sat up, seeing the clock at 4am. He only had two hours of sleep, but he didn't feel like going back to sleep.

[Why did that memory come up now of all times? Is it because I've been battling Rokudou these few days?]

Tsuna leaned against the wall, his hand clenching the sheets so hard his knuckles turned white. He could picture the face of that boy like it was just yesterday. The face that boy who lost everything.

Tsuna hit the wall out of frustration.

[That day...why didn't I get there sooner?]

He slid his hand down, leaving a trail of blood.

[If I got there even a second earlier, he would've still been human...]

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