[pt.2] The Cure

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Part 2

[Lunalea POV]

I was reading an old book about the early ages of the kingdom when I heard a commotion outside my working chamber. A moment later, there’s a hard knock on my door. I got up at the same time the door swung open. And there stood Lord Mikael, again covered in blood. I gasped and automatically bowed down. Then I remembered he might be injured, so I rushed towards him, but he already stepped inside and sat down on a chair. He looked annoyed, his face was dark, but he didn’t say anything.

“My Lord—“ I began.

“Ma’am.” Said someone. I turned and was surprised to see another warrior—a general, judging from his armor. I didn’t notice he was there; he must had been standing behind Lord Mikael. I was about to ask him whether he’s injured when he said nervously, “Could you please take a look at Lord Mikael, Ma’am?”

I turned back to Lord Mikael. ‘So he is injured!’ I thought to myself. “Excuse me, My Lord..” I said carefully, remembering that he had a high pride, “Could you show me where you’ve been wounded?”

Lord Mikael growled. Now I could tell that he hated the fact that he had to come to the infirmary, but it also meant that his wounds were serious. He still didn’t say anything and I was getting worried, when he suddenly took off his armor and his top. I held my breath when I caught sight of his muscular chest, and I blushed. ‘Why should I blush? This is not the first time I see a man’s bare chest!’

I quickly got over myself and searched for any wound on his torso. His front was fine, now his back…I gasped again when I found a long nasty cut across his back. It’s still bleeding. I grabbed a clean cloth and a bowl of warm water I had always prepared to clean his wound. His body went rigid, it must hurt so much, but Lord Mikael didn’t even flinched. Let alone groaning in pain.

“What happened?” I asked the general (I figured Lord Mikael wouldn’t want to answer that). He’s still standing nearby, watching me work. Perhaps he wanted to make sure his chief got treated well.

“Well..” he glanced nervously at Lord Mikael. “My Lord slightly underestimated the opponent, that’s all.” Whew, that’s vague.

“I was being careless.” growled Lord Mikael, surprising both me and the general. He said nothing else then and seemed furious to himself. I didn’t pose anymore question and did my job in silence. After his wound’s clean, I healed it with my power. The general stared in amazement as the wound sealed itself.

“Done.” I declared a few minutes later, looking proudly at my neat work. Lord Mikael got up at once. “wait.” I stopped him. I rushed to my desk and took a red bottle. “Please drink this tonic, My Lord.” I handed the bottle to Lord Mikael, who accepted it reluctantly. “And please have a lot of rest..it means you shouldn’t wield your blade for at least one week, My Lord.”

Lord Mikael looked at me in disbelief, as if I was telling him to drink a deadly posion. “You’re kidding.” He growled.

I gulped. He sure was scary. “No..Please, just follow my instruction, My Lord, unless your wound won’t be healed completely.” I implored. He grunted in dislike, then he just turned around and left. Unbelievable!

“Umh..please forgive My Lord’s manner.” Said the general, picking up the armor Lord Mikael left behind.

I smiled at him and said, “I don’t mind it.” I thought I saw the general’s face went slightly red. Was he sick? “Do you need any medicine? You don’t look so well yourself.” I asked him.

“Oh…Oh! No, Ma’am..” he shook his head frantically. “Pray excuse me.” He staggered to leave the chamber, leaving me puzzled.

[Mikael POV]

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