The Big Move

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Sorry, just getting that first one out now, anyway, I'm FINALLY DONE WITH THAT

  I'm 23 and I'm finally out of college, I moved to London when I was 18, like as soon as I graduated high school, I moved in with my best friend. We decided that moving from the U.S. to London was such a big deal that we would wait a year to start college. Now that we're FINALLY done with that place, I don't even know!

  Well first off I'm gonna start by saying I'm a dork...
Like no seriously a big dork, I'm weird and my social scale is weird cause I laugh  obnoxiously loud, and I talk a lot and don't wait for people to respond before I start blast texting them, and the ocean scares me, and I have dorky crushes on people that would probably never like me cause I'm a DORK!

Anyway yeah I'm a dork, and I room with my friend Ellie, who is the friend I moved in with, yeah, you already got that... and so this is how the biggest, bestest, supercalifragilisticexpealidocius, moment that's ever happened to me, happened.

Skip to the chapter pacing if you don't want to read cheesiness but THIS IS WATTPAD GET USED TO CHEESINESS CAUSE ITS DESCRIBING THE CHARACTERS IN CHAPTERS 1-5 haha, love ya guys!

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