Something's not right

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After I stop texting Dan and we say goodnight I turn off my phone and continue watching tv.

I start to doze off when I hear my news alert ringtone. It was Dan.


"Hu-Hunter..." Dan faintly speaks while panting, as if he's running.

"Yeah, I'm here. Dan, are you okay? I thought you were going to bed."

"I-I ne-..."

"Dan? Dan!?"

I hear the sound of the other lines phone falling against the ground and the line went dead. Something's wrong.

I run into Ellie's room where she's lying on her bed texting Phil.

"Ellie somethings wrong! Dan called and he was panting, it sounded like he was running!"

"Well, you know, maybe he's trying to get fit, you know, his New Years resolution, take a jog."

"No, Ellie, this is serious, I mean like he was running from someone,he's in trouble, call Phil."

"Oh, okay."

Ellie unlocks her phone, which opens up to her texts with Phil and she calls him.

"Hello?" -P

"Hey Phil, is Dan with you?" -E

"No, he went out to get some milk, he insisted he would go alone. He said he was talking to Hunter." -P

"Oh..." -E

"What?" Phil asks quickly and concerned.

"He just called Hunter, she said he was panting and it sounded like he was running for someone. Somethings not right." -E

"Oh no, see this is why I never let Dan go anywhere alone, I have to go find him." -P

"Well whatever's happening to him, could happen to you so I'm not letting you go alone." -E

"—and he called me for help so I'm coming too" I bud in.

"Ok fine, but be careful, London at night isn't safe at all." -P

"Exactly why we're in this mess, we'll be right over, where do you live?" -H

"We live in the 20 story building a block away from you, I'll be waiting outside, hurry" -P

"Got it, see you in a minute" -E

We grab our jackets and bolt out the door down the stairs, the elevator's too slow, we have to hurry.

I hope he's okay.

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