London Ruckus

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I run as fast as I can through the dark ally, beside a building from the streets of London.

I've never ran this much in my life, I hear the sounds of the fast dragging feet behind me.

"Keep up Dan, you can do this, faster!" I say to myself.

I pull out my phone from my pocket and jumble it around in my hands.

I unlock it and call the first person on the screen. Hunter.

The phone rings as I try to keep up the pace. Hunter picks up.


"Hu-Hunter"  I try to speak, my voice giving out from my panting.

"Yeah, I'm here. Dan, are you okay? I thought you were going to bed." I hear her soft warming voice speak.

"I- I ne..." My voice trails off as I try to speak the phrase, I need help.

"Dan? Dan!?" I hear her start to scream. It's too late. One of them catches me. The phone drops out of my hand falling to the ground. 

As I try to turn around and run at the same time, but also being uncoordinated, I get pushed onto the ground. Scraping and grinding my face against the cold, hard pavement.

I realize my face is soaking in a puddle. I try to lift my hand touch my cheek bone, it feels cold, thick, and smells of iron. It's blood. My whole left cheek gashed open, stinging while I touch it.

Just then someone's thumb and pointer finger were squeezing each side of my neck, I then went into a paralizing shock. I couldn't move anything. See is is why I hate people touching my neck.

Then he turns me over, I can't fight back because of the paralization. I feel a large amount pain as he whips his large hand into my stomach.

I can't do anything about the pain. Not even clutch my stomach as it aches or my cheek as it throbs.

I can only gaze straight up at the night stars, hearing the speeding cars and loud ruckus of London.

As I get dragged down the dark ally, by someone I can't even look at.

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