Mall time

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Dear diary so today was literally the best day ever!
First me and Paige decided we where going to get some piercings, I know right crazy but my parents told I could get one for my early bithday present so I drove Paige and I to the mall "excited Paige?"
I ask her while I'm making a u turn. "Of course, I'm going to get a lip piercing and a eyebrow piercing. But how are you man?"
I say "really nervous but excited at the same time I've always wanted one, but I'm just getting a nose piercing today."
As I pull in the parking lot guess who I see its Irene, Selena, and Jamie!
Jamie you ask who's she she's my been my friend for a long time now and has the most adorable glasses ever they have macaroons on them.
"Omg hi guys what are you doing here?" Selena asks
"Oh me and Angie are getting some piercings." Paige says in a relaxed voice
"What!" Irene screams
Calm down where not getting the holes in our ears!" I say in a joking tone
"What are you girls getting?"  Jamie asks
I say "I'm getting a nose  percing and Paige is getting a lip."
"Wow!!" All the girls say
"well good luck!" Selena says then they walk in the mall.
Ready! I ask Paige
Duhhhh I'm always ready Paige says then we walk in.
     We walk in the percing salon and it smells actually good it smells like fruit weird i know.
Then this lady walks up to us "hey girls what can I help you with today?" Then Paige says "I want I lip piercing."
"And I'll have a nose piercing please!" I say
"Ok lady's who's going first?"
Meh Paige says,
"ok follow me then" the lady says
Omg I can't believe I'm doing this what if I hate it what if I die what if I can't kiss Adam anymore 😫😫😫
No! Angie you can do this you can!
Finally Paige is ready, the random lady put a dot where the piercing is going to go, and she cleaned update the area around it.
"Ok on the count of three 1...2...3... Bam its in!"The lady says
"dam that really hurt!" Paige says
"on a scale one to ten how much did it hurt."
"A seven Paige says."
Then I say "you liar that was like a 9!" Paige rolls her eyes at me
"ok your up next sweetie."
I'm literally so nervous but I do it, and it did not even hurt at all I'm so surprised.
Then me and Paige get macaroons they where literally the best macaroons in my life
"Wait Pagie weren't you going to get an eyebrow piercing?" "
Ehhh I forgot I'll get one next time Pagie says."
"Surree."  I say then I get a text from Rachel what does this girl want "I know what you did.."
"What are you talking about?"
"Meet me at our old elementary school we need to talk or you reputation will be ruined"
"Pagie we need to go home I have to meet someone."
"Ughh fine but you owe me," Pagie says
I let her read the text as I drive her home her face grows more worried she says "be careful you don't know what Rachel is capable of."
"Ok I will." I give Pagie a hug and I drive straight to the school I don't know what's going to happen I'm really worried I'm sitting on the swing right know telling you what's been happening but I hope every thing turns out ok I'm really worried Rachel could be out for blood.🔪🔪
Rachel comes running running to Angie and gives her a hug??
Thanks for reading what will happen? You'll find out soon

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