Friendship repaired

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I fixed my relationship with Rachel!
I'm really happy about it, yesterday Rachel texted me and said
"Are you mad at me???"
And the I said..
"No not at all sometimes I get worried that you are one day you will be a. Stereotypical popular girl then never leave your group but you won't I just worry"

I know right supper long message
But then the next day she called me and we talked about stuff. What you ask? STUFF THAT NOT YOUR BUSINESS!

But this weekend was so nice I literally had no homework, and I also talked to Selena, and Paige, which is always a plus.  I got to play the sims which is my strange addiction. Wow image if u got on that show every one would probably think I'm a psychopath.

But hopefully karma doesn't bite me in the butt, with me and rach being friends and all, don't this week horrible karma, and don't make me have a horrible week.

Hey guyyyyyyys this chapter was actually my weekend some this were taken out but this was true some chapters in the book will be real like this one and some others will be fake but thanks for reading.

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