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Here's a picture of the lunch table you will need this later😜
Btw this chapter is not to be taken seriously. and thank you so much for 800+ views!

Mmmmm lunch I love food to me I'm in love with food in basically in a relationship with food after I lost him.

But back to the real world I have no idea how lunch is going to turn out I'm guessing drama, drama, and more drama.

Olive grabs me and says you can sit next to me today and there will be a empty seat for a boy.

*my face drops open
"A..a boy?"
I ask so quietly a mouse couldn't even hear me, but somehow olive heard me
"Well duh, I have to set you up with a boy, its my passion." Olive says

"Really? I never expected that."
Things I've noticed
1) never judge a book by its cover
2) they aren't heartless blood suckers

As we talk about school I see a boy walking up
Oh shit
Shit shit shit
It's Chris
"Olive you have better not set me up with Chris." I say

"Hell nah, our group hates Chris after what he has done to Rachel."

*Chris walks over to Rachel
"Rachel I am so sorry what happens I was so drunk I don't know what came over me I am so sorry, please, please give me another chance."
*Chris then starts sobbing
"Please Rachel."
She nods her head as a single tear falls down her face.
Chris then jumps up a hugs hers a kisses her on her head.
This just warms my heart.
"I promise I will not let you down." Then he walks away while high fiveing his friends.
"What a prick." I say "I bet he was just a dare the way he walked away high fiveing his bros."
"Your probably right, (sigh) but...
I like his D." Said Rachel
"Gasp RACHEL! You fucked Chris." Nora screams
"I did and I have to say, you know how good of a kisser he is well he is that good in bed." Said Rachel

In a very serious tone I say "how did this happen?"
"Well you know on my birthday when Chris took me to watch "13 going on 30."? Welllll long story short I fell asleep and then he woke me up and said "let's fuck I already have a condom on." I say k without realizing what he said and then we'll it was so good that I didn't want it to stop😁. But don't worry I've asked God for forgiveness."

My mouth fell wide open when this happened
"Eh don't feel bad you didn't really want to do it. It was an accident." Said olive

"Well this is an interesting day." I said
"Let's have a moment of silence for Rachel's virginty."
We have a silence for 30 seconds then Ryan comes up and says
" hey Angie, you want to go out?
I look around and every one is nodding there head, talk about peer pressure.
I say very pissie "uh sure."
"Great its a date, see you at the football field."
Ryan said
Then he kisses me on the cheek, and then I blush

Dumbass don't do that i will show that I like him and that can not happen!

I look at olive and say very confused
"Is he the boy that you set up for me to date?"

"No, not at all but I know how to kill to birds with one stone." She says with a grin
"Plan B forget revenge on you friends, get revenge on boys."

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