Chapter one {Charlies pov}

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the sun snuck up through my window, i slowly pulled myself up and sat on my bed for a moment. i pulled on a jacket and some warm socks. I walked silently down the hall and popped my head into my older sister April's room, her bed was neatly made and she was no where to be seen. i scurried back into my room and quickly made my bed, i walked out into the kitchen and picked up my boots that were still muddy from the previous day. I slide them on and walk out the door quickly closing it behind me. i pick up the compost bucket full of scraps and food that i know the piglets will love. i walk over to the pigs pen and glance over at the chicken coop across from it where i see the chickens squabling over there food, April wasted no time doing her chores. I open the rusted gate and let myself into the pen, the piglets come running up on there short stubby legs and the older ones are only a few paces behind them, i love the pigs, especially my piglet Daisy. It was a struggle to keep her alive, she was the runt in the litter, everyone gave up on her, but not me. My sister says that what pulled her through. People say im weird for living on a farm and they tease me about anything possible but my sister says to ignore it.I pour the contents of the bucket into their tray and i stroke the piglets rough back as it eats. i just sit there and watch for a while, i still have a couple hours until school starts. I think people underestimate pigs, to me they are the most beautiful friendliest creatures, i dont care what other people think. i love them.I hearthe rickity door slam, meaning April has gone in for breakfast. I pull myself up and trudge along the muddy ground and run in after april. i remove my stained wet boots and place them next to the door after April.

We eat breakfast in silence except for a few questions here and there and the attempt to make a convosation, but i'd rather not talk, just enjoy the peace and silence. Me and my sister usually get along well, just a few sisterly fights occasionally. i finich my toast and rush into my room while April occupies the bathroom. i grab my brush and begin the brush my long wavy dirty blonde hair while i stare into the mirror speechless. I stare at my relflection, at my sky blue eyes, my bubbley smile and small nose. I finish brushing my hair and decide to leave it out. i grab my small bottle of mascara and apply it with care, my mum always use to say it made my eyes pop. i put down my make up, ignoring April calls from the other room i grabbed my necklace and placed it around my neck. I just stared at the loops of the infinity sign for a minute. It was the last thing my mother had given to me before she passwed away a year ago, we all took it tough. especially me and my dad. At the time our younger brother Jake was too young to understand. Hes five now and im still not sure if he knows, Dad must of dropped him off on his way to work as a builder. The daycares not that far from here, some mornings he leaves him with us to get him ready. April begins slamming the door which reminds me we have to go, i hear her screaming to leave as her footsteps leave the house. i quickly pack my books in my bag and chuck it on my back and chase after her as the bus waits on us. i pick up my speed as my long hair sways in the wind after me.

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