Chapter 1

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- Skye's POV -
While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking
If I showed up with a plane ticket
And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it
Would you run away too?
'Cause all I really want is you

I continued to sing to the music from my iPhone at the top of my lungs while dancing around the kitchen. I was waiting for the cupcakes I had made, to finish baking, before I could decorate them, and it was taking forever.

You look so perfect standing there
In my American Apparel underwear
And I know n-

I was cut off by a loud knock at my front door. I turned the music off before leaving the kitchen and opening the door. I hadn't even had the chance to speak a word to the person in front of me, before I felt soft lips being pressed to my forehead and a pair of muscly arms wrap itself around me, stroking my long black-brown hair, which was currently left out.

"Hey beautiful."

"Hey, why didn't you use the bell?" I questioned, a little confused.

"I didn't feel like it? I don't know actually. Well I've missed you."

"You idiot! I just saw you last night!!" I giggled.

"Were you really listening to that underwear song again?"

"Well the underwear song," I quoted the air, "has a name. And yes, I was listening to that absolutely amazing song."

"Yeah okay whatever baby, I don't need none of your sass." I faked hurt, but smiled as he pressed a kiss to my cheek. We just stood there in each other's arms in a comfortable silence for some time before a somewhat worried voice spoke.

"Baby what's wrong?" Did my face actually change that much? Well okay then.

"Nothing really just that I THINK THE CUPCAKES I SPENT ALMOST 2 HOURS ON ARE PROBABLY BURNT!" I shouted before running back into the kitchen with the green-eyed boy trailing behind.

"Aaaw was lil Skylar making cupcakes for her lovely boyfie?" He cooed.

"Well I didn't know you were coming so no," I said, looking at the cupcakes that were not exactly "golden brown" but more like "brown".

"You know, a yes would've made me happy."

"Nah," I smirked, taking a bite from a cupcake, which didn't actually taste half bad. "Do you wanna help me decorate Connie?"

"Whatever Ky," he smirked, knowing very well that I hated that nickname he used for me.

We were piping frosting on the cupcakes I had made, which was going extremely well. Mine were anyway. I looked at Connor's and they looked cute. They were umm a little messy in a nice way? I don't know. I giggled, the concentration on his face was extremely adorable.

"Are you laughing at my cake decorating skills?" Connor questioned, looking offended.

"It's a cupcake, and yes, I am actually. You look cute when you're decorating."

"You look cuter," he replied, grinning.

"Nope, you're cuter."

"Skye, you're cuter; even cuter than a fluffy puppy."

"You're cuter than a fluffy puppy in a cup."

"You're cuter than anything in this universe. Ha. I win."

I had obviously lost, so I took some frosting from the bowl where most of the frosting once was and threw it directly at Connor's face. Due to my training, I had gotten him right in the middle of the face.

"Oh you did not just do that," he gasped.

"Oh but I did."

"Game on Skylar"

He got his own handful of frosting and lunged it towards me, but again, due to my training, I dodged it. Connor started chasing me while I ran away, trying not to get any of the frosting on me. Due to Connor's extremely long legs, he caught up to me and ticked my sides, making me squirm and collapse in giggles on the ground. He took this chance to pour the remaining frosting on my face, before claiming that he won. Again. He helped me up and laughed at the sight of me, covered in chocolate frosting.

"You got a lil something there," he laughed, pointing to my face.

"Don't laugh at me!! It was your fault," I complained.

"Here, I'll get it off for you," he closed the gap between us as his lips connected to mine for a mere second before the ringing of my phone broke us apart. It wasn't the normal ringing though, it was a special ringtone, meaning that I had a mission brief or something like that. Connor didn't know that of course, and I was thankful that my phone was face down on the kitchen bench. I looked at him apologetically and when he nodded, I grabbed my phone and left the kitchen, telling Connor I had to take it and won't be long.

"Skye, we need you at HQ now. Please come asap, I'll explain as soon as you're here."

"Okay agent Hood, will be there soon," I said and hung up.

I went back to Connor who was just standing around in the kitchen awkwardly.

"Connie poo, I need to go. Mum's not feeling too well and I need to pick up something for her," I lied.

"I'll come with you," Connor offered. I would've panicked if only I hadn't had so much experience. 5 years as a spy is a long time.

"No it's okay, I'll probably stay there a while and stuff. I'll call you tomorrow?" I said, but it came out more like a question.

"Call me tonight baby, I want to talk to you. Love you," he said, kissing my forehead and turning around to leave.

"Okay Connie. Love you too," I replied, and off he was.

I quickly tied my hair in a ponytail before leaving for HQ, around 5 minutes away from where I lived. It was underground and had access through a pretty weird place if you asked me. I arrived at the entrance of HQ, and I really hoped that what I saw through the window of my car wasn't real. I cussed under my breath, before driving over to the figure ahead to hopefully get an explanation.

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