I am feeling a little mixed up
Sometimes I think that you are flirting
That you like me
But maybe it's because I'm starting to like you
Because sometimes you act like that
With everyone
Every girl
I just don't know about you
I can see the hurt in your eyes sometimes
I can see the broken wondering you do
What happened to you
It makes me curious
Because maybe the reason that you always smile
Maybe the reason you always make people laugh
Is because you are hurt
And maybe inside you aren't smiling
But you make me feel good
School is always rough
But at the end of the day when I see you
You make me smile again
I think I like you
Maybe because I want to really know you
Maybe because you cheer me up without realizing it
I don't know
I am all mixed up
She thinks you like me
But I don't know
I would love it
If you would come untangle these feelings
And ask me to hoco...
Lol but no
I have a feeling that you won't
You've already distracted me enough
I am already too mixed up
Dreams and Other Impossible Things
PoetryMore poetry... :) These poems are mostly about dreams, or things that inspire me. Some things, I just need to write down but I know they won't happen. Ya know...impossible things. Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoy my writing. It is a...