Chapter 22

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Perci's POV:

"Why don't we check out that lock bridge on the way there? I heard that was a romantic place." I suggested, and Nico nodded. "Yeah, sure. It will be a bit out of our way, but... that's fine." He said, and we got going. We walked in comfortable silence for a while, and I watched the river. It made me feel sad how people had polluted it, but unless I had a sand dollar (which I didn't, in case you were wondering. You knew that? Fine. I tried), there wasn't much I could do. 

"Maybe I can ask the dead about what they think Aphrodite's girdle would be." Nico mused aloud after we'd walked a couple blocks. I tried to suppress a shiver. Even though Nico was my friend, I still found it kind of creepy how he could talk to the dead. "Yeah... good luck with that. I doubt they'd have anything useful to say, though it's worth asking." I said, looking at one of the flowers in a nearby shop window. It was really nice. 

Nico sighed, "I know. But still." I grinned at him. "Whether or not the ghosts help us, we'll find it. Though for now, we need to get to the graveyard. By the way, do we need to go that way?" I asked, pointing down a street. I could get around New York fine, but the small European style houses and the occasional glittery mall confused me. "No," Nico said long-sufferingly, "we need to go this way." He said as he turned the map around in my hands. "Oooh. Pfft, I knew that," I said as we started down the street. Nico rolled his eyes behind me, but he let me have it.

When we reached the lock bridge, I saw a lot of couples locking their love on it or whatever. I wasn't sure why that wasn't stupid, but okay. "So... no girdle?" I asked, looking around. Nico snorted, and I looked down at him. "What? It's worth pointing out," I said, and he shrugged. "Sure," he said, and we continued on our way. I was disappointed, though. It would've been great if for once in my life, something had gone my way. If we'd found the girdle, IM'd Jason and Leo and met back at the riverside café and gotten the girdle to Aphrodite before sundown. But no. Of course not. 

After going down a few wrong streets, we finally reached the graveyard. My feet felt like bricks, and I dragged them along while my legs felt uncomfortable. The muscles didn't ache, walking in the forest for five days had made sure of that, but they weren't exactly comfortable either. "Can we sit down for a bit before going in the graveyard?" I asked, heading to a little café where a lot of couples sat, holding hands. "Yeah... sure," Nico said, reluctantly. "Thanks!" I said as I plopped down in the chair.

I struggled though the menu; it was bad enough reading English, but French? As impossible as changing genders. Lucky for me, I'd done that, so I managed. I sat with Nico, sipping my coke and looking at the couples going in and out of the graveyard. I wasn't sure Aphrodite's girdle would be here, of all the places in France it could be, but it was worth a shot. There were a lot of couples here, and I guess for a love goddess there'd be 'love in the air.' I didn't really feel it, but whatever. 

"Ready to go?" Nico asked after I finished my drink. I nodded, and Nico paid the waitress with some mortal money. I have no idea where he got the Euros, but she didn't yell at us or demand to have my bracelet or whatever. So I was good. As I stood up, Nico offered his arm to me like a gentlemen from the movies. I shrugged, and put my arms through his. I looked to the graveyard, but thought I saw Nico's cheeks gain a dusting of red. It was easy to see, since he was so pale. 

"So... what do we do now?" I asked, looking at all the tombstones. Nico shrugged, and I dropped my arm. It felt weird. I forged ahead, calling back to Nico. "Maybe it's farther in!" I shouted, earning strange looks from some other couples. Luckily, I doubted they understood me, but I waved anyway. They turned back to smooching or looking at the tombstones or whatever romantic couples do in graveyards. Nico caught up to me, and we walked through the graveyard at a leisurely pace.

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