Interview with a Mage

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A/N: Just to remind you guys again this is not my story. It is by RavenNM from the link is in the description of the story. Hope you guys support RavenNM.

Hanabusa POV

As I watched the man in the black suit and orange hair place himself between the six of us and the blonde girl I couldn't help but notice the fierce loyalty and determination in his eyes. This man, she had called him Loke, was ready to lay down his life if it meant protecting that girl, just as Akatsuki, Ruka, Seiren, Takuma and I were willing to do for Lord Kaname. Right away, I realized just how dangerous that made him and I wasn't the only one. So even though we all backed away from the Loki and the blonde, we all stepped closer to Lord Kaname.

We watched as he turned to the girl to try and calm her down while still keeping a wary eye on the rest of us. "Lucy," he said quietly, probably not realizing that we would still be able to hear him. "Capricorn told me about the fight that you were in and that you disappeared. I'm so relieved that you're alive."

So she was in a fight and someone else thought that she might have died, I thought as we continued to listen.

"I know that you're scared and you want to get back to Magnolia and Fairy Tail. But in order to do that, we have to figure out where we are and any other information we can, which means that we need to talk to these people." The girl immediately tensed and started shaking again as the smell of tears began to waft from her. "I know you're scared and I'm not sure why, but I swear that I will protect you."

I continued to watch as the girl stared at her guardian. She took many deep breaths and a few more tears fell down her bruised cheeks, but she eventually steadied herself and nodded to Loke. I was surprised that she was able to calm herself, but I also noticed how she avoided looking at any of us, probably to keep from panicking again.

Another moment later, Loke was lifting the girl named Lucy and placing her back on the couch before sitting with her. He wrapped an arm around her while being cautious of her shoulder. Once they were settled, Lord Kaname took a seat I the chair across from them while the rest of us took station behind him.

"Given that this is you're territory, that grants you the first question," Loke offered.

Lord Kaname nodded as he looked to the side. "I simply ask the same that you asked of me. Who you are, what you are, and where you came from? I'm afraid that the girl there caused quite an uproar when she appeared literally at our door step, and neither one of you smell human or like us."

We all waited for Loke to answer, but we were taken by surprise when the terrified blonde answered instead.

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia and I am a celestial spirit mage of the Fairy Tail guild in the city of Magnolia, in the kingdom of Fiore." As she spoke, she held up her right hand to show us what looked like a pink tattoo on the hand. It looked like some kind of bird at first glance and I didn't understand its meaning, but I could tell that is was significant to her.

"This is Loke, also known as Leo the Lion. He is my friend and one of my contracted spirits. He helps me when I'm in danger or while I'm out on missions."

I almost missed the smile Loke gave her when she introduced him. It took me a moment to realize that it was because she said that he was her friend first and contracted spirit second. Again, I didn't understand its true meaning, but I could tell that it was significant to both of them.

Lord Kaname nodded at the girl before inclining his head. "My name in Kaname Kuren, and these are Akatsuki, Ruka, Seiren, Takuma and Hanabusa. You are at the Cross Academy, this is a place where humans and vampires alike come for an education and to live in peace with each other."

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