In Action

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A/N: Just to remind you guys again this is not my story. It is by RavenNM from the link is in the description of the story. Hope you guys support RavenNM.

Moon Dorm

General POV

Lucy, Gray and Hikaru stayed late in the Moon Dorm that night to avoid the Day Class students before heading to the school. Lucy had planned to just stay at the dorm with Gray but when Kaname alerted Head Master Cross to the new change in the situation he had insisted on meeting the ice mage as well. It was slow going to the school thanks to Gray's injuries, but they eventually reached the school and got to the Head Master's office where Kaname, Cross, Yuuki and Zero were waiting for them.

After an awkward introduction and Gray showing them a sample of his magic, making the Fairy Tail symbol out of ice in his hands, things quickly progressed.

"I'm relieved to see that you're alive Mr. Fullbuster. Lucy was quite upset when she heard about your apparent death," Cross said from behind his desk. "But I must ask, how did you come to be here? Was it in the same fashion as Lucy?"

"From what I heard from Natsu and Wendy, it sounds like the same method but it was different mages," Gray told him from his chair. "As for how I ended up in this specific world and in the same area as Lucy, I'm not completely sure but it might have to do with the fact that Lucy was already here."

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked him.

"From the research we did after you disappeared, we found out a lot about piercing the veil between worlds," Gray explained. "When you got sent here, it created a pin point tear that you came through. When I was sent through, I would have been drawn towards the spot where I could pass between worlds the easiest. So even though I didn't end up landing in the same place you did, from what you told me I still landed pretty close."

The blonde couldn't help but stare at her friend. "Just how much research did you guys do while I was gone?"

He gave her a slight smile before taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. "Levy and Freed were still looking into it the last time I was there, and Natsu actually started reading books to help find a way to bring you home. I will admit, after the 10 year mark, a lot of the guild gave in to the line of thinking that you were dead. I even started to believe it." Then his smile grew sad. "You wouldn't believe how angry Juvia got with me when I said that one time. She told me that she knew you weren't dead because her love-rival would not give up the fight so easily."

She giggled as she squeezed his hand back. "She's right, you know. I've never been one to give up, but I think that it's time I give in and let her win you," she winked at him.

Zero couldn't help but glare at Lucy and Gray's hands. They were touching each other so easily and from what Lucy was saying, the two of them might have even been in a relationship! At least she was talking about letting another woman have him.

He had been trying to sort himself out since hearing the news last night. When Lucy had first arrived he had tried to keep a bit of separation between them, knowing that she would eventually go back to her own world and he didn't want to get attached to her. Then he finds out that there might not be a way for her to go back at all. He hated to admit it, but he had felt some hope that she might stay and he would have a chance with her, even if it was just for a little while. He knew that he wouldn't normally risk such a thing, that her magic was drawing him in, but he almost didn't want to fight it. Then, before he could fully process all of this, her teammate shows up out of thin air. Even though Zero wasn't completely sure what that would mean, he had a feeling that he had lost her before he had a chance to keep her.

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