Chapter 2

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I sat down in my seat at the back. I absolutely despise R.E. Plus, Miss Ripley was really strict - nobody except from Simon liked her.

"Penny, you will have to sit next to Sparrow. There's no other place and Danielle wants to stay where she is," explained Miss Ripley.

I groaned bitterly. I liked sitting on my own.

I shoved my books and bags in front of me and dumped my bags onto the floor.

"So, Michael, what do Sikhs believe about God?" Miss Ripley asked.

"They believe that...Um...Uh... I don't know," He stammered.

"Go on, you can think of it. Or weren't you listening for the previous three lessons? Tell me," she snapped.

"They believe in one God?" he replied quietly.

"Well done," Miss Ripley crooned.

Mike smiled to himself proudly. He was so big-headed when he occasionally got something right.

I looked at Penny to see what she was doing. She was getting her pencil case and equipment out of her bag. She glanced up at me and I met her cold ,icy blue gaze for a brief second.

Looking away, I heard Miss Ripley tell us to write down the date and title of the lesson so I reached for my fountain pen and neatly wrote it in. I didn't want to make my book untidy otherwise it was a straight detention.

Miss Ripley went on to explain the lesson and give a few detention - luckily not me!

So R.E. was a breeze. We just copied down some paragraphs and stuck in a worksheet to fill in next lesson.

It was the end of the lesson and Miss RIpley asked us to talk with our partner about what they had learnt that lesson and then they could go.

I started. "I learnt that Sikhs have many beliefs and believe in one God."

She replied quietly, "I learnt that Sikhs believe that God is everywhere and that a spark of God is inside everything and everyone."

I just stared at her. Her icy eyes flickered to mine and back to her book. I just packed up my bags, told her that she could go and left the classroom after Paul.

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