The dance

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Today's the day of the dance. ☺☺

I've never done this before. I watched some videos on YouTube to learn how to do makeup. I hope it looks okay.

I smile at myself in the mirror. I love this dress. Michael bought me this. I hear a knock at the door.
It must be Ryan, I slip on my heels and walk to the door. I open it and to my surprise it's Michael. He's wearing a suit and he's holding a bouquet of flowers. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Wow" was his only words.

I smile and look down this is a bit awkward.. I know he's only pretending to like me because of Ryan.

He hands me the flowers "You look..."
"Where's Sasha?" I inadvertently cut him off.

"Ooh me and her?" He looks down. "We broke up."

"Oh okay" I say ackwardly.

We stand there and silence for a few minutes. They feel like hour's

I see a car pulling up "I think that's Ryan" I smile.

He looks at the car. "Yeah.. It is.." He looks down

"Well see you at the dance" I try to lean in for a hug but he avoids me and walks away.

Maybe he just didn't know I was leaning in for a hug.

I smile and wave at ryan he smiles. He jogs to my door steps "Are you ready?" I blush "You take the lead"


I can't help but look into his eyes. They're so cute. I'm a bit uncomfortable though I think we're the most cute couple here. It's kind of hard to believe. But Due to the fact that Michael doesn't have a date. Ryan's the second cutest. The first in my eyes. And if Michael was honest about what he said ... And I actually do look good. We're the cutest. All eyes have been on us all night ☺. This is a nerds dream I wish I could stay in his arms forever ☺. I feel so .. Wanted, Special.. Loved.

I'm seriously wondering right now.. If this where prom would we be Queen and king? .. Maybe I'm going to far. It's just a daydream.. But I wonder.


"Bye.." I blush "I wish you didn't have to go." Ryan looks down "Me to. But I have some homework to catch up on. And some annoying heels to take off!"

Ryan laughs "OK then.. I'll call you once you're home okay?" "Yeah OK"

I look over at Michaels drive way his car is there... When did he even go home? I wasn't paying attention ..

"What's wrong?" Ryan asks curiously. "Oh nothing, Was just wondering when did Michael leave?" He scratches his back "like ten minutes into the dance. He seemed sad about something he turned down ever girl that tried to dance with him "

I wonder why..

"Hmm.. Interesting..." Ryan looks me into the eyes..

Then he leans in...

To be continued

Sorry for the errors and etc.

Sorry for the bad part

Will update soon

(Maybe the same day this is posted?)

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