Forgive him

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Oceans P.o.v

"Im sorry" Michael whispers softly.
"Its fine.." I whisper
He gets off of me. "Ill go now. If you want.."

"You could stay if you like a little longer.. Im not going to school tomorrow anyways" i try to be polite. I guess.

"No. Its fine... Thanks for caring, Night ocean" He begins to leave

Is he leaving because of the kiss?

"Michael? Is it because of the kiss? You don't have to be embarrassed.. I liked it..."

Oh dudge nuggets i didn't mean to say i liked it.. I meant to say it was ok. I hope he didn't hear me.

Lord. God. Jesus. Kill me now

"You liked it?" I look down

"It was ok.. I geuss" i fake laugh.

he blushes which is adorable and looks away. he whispers words but there to low that i dont understand, But i nod as if i agree.

then suddently he grabs my chin and once again his lips are connected to mines, His lips are so soft i feel like im in having i feel as though im falling enternally. i dont want him to stop. he breaks the kiss and im suddently back to reality . this is michael my long time bully, My rapist, The guy that made me want to commit suicide all these years. Yet im still so nice to him. why is he being so polite lately? I mean honestly what have i ever done to michael to make him so cruel to me in the first place?


I stare intesivley at her as she looks down. Staring at the ground. Her eyes are stuck its not hard to tell, Shes deep in her thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" I break the silence 

She closes her eyes and then rubs them letting them regain water "Im sorry, I just.. i dont know,"

i study her face she makes very intereting expressions when shes embarressed or in her thoughts.. I think theyre kind of cute. I wonder if she is actually pregnant by me, Im a monster... "Ocean" I say just a bit above a whisper 

"Yes michael?"

Oceans P.O.V

He grabs my hand and pulls me closer as  though he wants to kiss again, But he doesnt kiss me. Instead he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back Feeling his warm embrace, I sniff him he smell good. he lets me go still holding onto my arms. He looks down at me. He puts his head next to my stomach 

he holds me tightly, His face becomes red. And he starts to cry again. I pull him up and hug him "Michael whats wrong" I say worried. Breaking the hug i let him go and wipe his tears. 

"Nothing i'm fine" He says He stops crying 

'do you forgive me ocean?" I look down. do i forgive him?  How could i forgive him for what he's done? Not only had he bullied me for years. but he did the unthinkable. No i don't remember how it went but still. How could i forgive him for letting ryan do what hes done to me? . I look up at him his beautiful brown eyes. that stare intensivley into your soul. Hes really an work of art. And at least he's trying right? He's been being nicer to me. I think Michael has a lot of hurt going on in his life.. I think honestly he needs me. He needs a real friend that wont use him. He needs someone to actually want to be there for him. Although him hurting is no real excuse for what he has done to me. If i let Michael in will he hurt me again? 

"I need you to promise me something" I say honestly.

"What is it?"

"If i let you in, and we become friends. You will not hurt me"

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